
Did you have a feeling that you were pregnant right after you conceived, or was it just like any other day?

by  |  earlier

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I'm not pregnant now and am not expecting to be anytime soon. However, I'm just curious. I especially want to know if you had that "feeling" that this month was your month if you were trying.




  1. Nope. Never got the "pregnant feeling" a lot of women talk about. I got symptoms which I thought was my period coming although it was too soon. The next thing I knew, I missed my period and ten days after I took a preg test which came out positive. I have friends who claim that they're pregnant just because they missed their period by a few days and they say they feel pregnant but it just turned out their cycle changed. One of my friends who keeps swearing she's pregnant practically every month didn't think she was last month, but it turned out that she really is. So it varies, I guess.

  2. No. I didn't even think I was pregnant at all until 7 weeks later when my husband made me test. I thought there was no way.  

  3. I am pregnant with baby #4 and I just "knew" with every one of them. I was never really trying but I always knew before I was late. I never had morning sickness but I always knew.  

  4. me (and my bf at the time) figuired out the exact day we must have gotten pregnant. It was the only time we had time alone together where our schedules matched the whole month. although I didnt know it at the time, I did feel sick and flu like the next day. (the day after july 4th) but after that i was fine until I was about 8 weeks. I didnt think I was pregnant until i took a test because I couldnt remember my last cycle.

    we were not trying either fyi

  5. i never tried to get pregnant and didnt want to be, but a week or two before i found out i was i had a feeling i was going to be pregnant.  

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