
Did you have a good Day today ?

by  |  earlier

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my started good , got weird its running smooth ..




  1. Yes, today was a great day

  2. Good morning from soggy UK lulu

    having a good day so far thanks. Be better when I finish work for the week

  3. no it started out bad until i got home from school then it was okay =]

  4. not really. i had a boring day, though. x)

  5. no. my crazy scary evil cousin is in my college class

  6. Yes I can honestly say that I did have a good day today. Now let's see how my evening goes. Hopefully it will be just as good.

  7. I had a great day today thanks to you Lulu!

    Yes I really did! :D

  8. I did..

    thanks for nearly killing me!!!

    I made it through the day despite my BFF LOL

    Sweetie stop feeling like that....fine I'll stop making fun of you!!!

    Hey we all should go to gabbly!!!

    Hey James, did you add me?? BC you know I got suspended again!!! LOL i asked a very nice question for you!!

  9. Thanks for asking Lulu.  It was a great day, very productive.  Now, I'm home.  Will be checking emails and sending replies.. then off to Boot Camp... oh the pain :)

  10. not too well, i have a headache

  11. Yes, I did thanks..... been busy all day!!

    I'm wrecked now.... lol  :)

  12. I did, but it was a soap opera at work, I could write a book. Every good day is a Friday! Will make a little love, relax and sleep will tonight.

  13. I know you asked this question Yesterday, but Yes I did have a good day.

    I hope you have a great weekend.

  14. it was a long day .  alot to do at work . glad to be home

  15. I had 2 go 2 th Dr's 2 get some cold meds, more then a week and my cold hasn't passed away....:((((((, and after I got the prescription there r no free meds available in the drugstores, but other ten that the day just started 4 me, only 12.28 am here

  16. Yeah, it was a god day today.

    Off to bed now though.

    Goodnight Lulu!

  17. My 4 year old had her first real day of Pre-K today.  Such a big girl getting on and off the bus!  It was too cute, and a little sad.  She's growing up so fast!  My 1 year old isn't feeling the best so it was all I could do to keep her spirits up.  I hope she feels better soon!  My oldest daughter is in Junior High now and is becoming her own person.  She was a little sassy this morning, but not as much as usual.  Now I'm at work and I'm stuck here till 6:00 AM and I'll be bored out of my mind all night (work is slow!).

    Haha....Snizz, did I read that correctly?  The "James Brothers Naked?"  I don't think I could be a part of that!

    Awww, thanks Lulu! :)

    LOL It's ok Lulu.  I'm sure she'll get a good laugh over it.  :)

    I did add you Snizz, I actually had about 45 min. of work to do.  Then I had to go take a break......LOL

  18. Yeah baby.

    It'll be even better if Venus wins tonight!

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