
Did you have a good holiday weekend?

by Guest63479  |  earlier

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Did you do anything fun?

I was sick for the first few days..then saw a movie, then had a small bbq with close friends.




  1. Not a holiday here in Ireland.

  2. The week end was alright.i am busy decorating at the moment having a

  3. yeah we had a big labor day party on sunday...lots of fun

  4. I stayed up late, got drunk on steel reserves my front porch (I'm allowed to, I live in the ghetto) and hung out with the hubby.

  5. It was ok.

  6. yes I did I went camping with my family... which is a lot of people

  7. Yeah. I had a barbeque with my family.

    ~Just Keepin it reall! :D

  8. i was watching tv and on yahoo anserws , my family dosent make a big deal out of little holidays

  9. ehhh,,,, yeah, it was ok.  i watched anime and ate bbq on monday...

  10. yes even though alot of it was spent in the car driving

  11. had to work all weekend. yes even on labor day. but so did everyone else at work. so its more fair

  12. Noep im afraid  ,   especially with school getting closer(tomorrow)  ÃƒÂ‚¬.¬

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