
Did you have a loved one lost in any of the wars? Did you realize John McCain was the only P.O.W.?

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My husband died 2 years ago from Agent Orange, it got his lungs and he came home to ranch and the hay and feed finished him off! Why did my cousin get killed over there, another did 2 terms looking for his brother, one cousin came home with shrapnel and one came home messed up in the head.....his dad got killed in WWII and my other Uncle served in WWII with honors!! Gee I thought McCaint was the only one that served his country, am I wrong or did you and yours serve?

To the ones that served with no recognition.....thank-you and God Bless!!




  1. Get off it !~Mc Cain, WAS a POW served  our country above and beyond, too and yes I lost friends.

  2. Yes,  killed Vietnam, age 19(so missed), yes Pearl Harbor aboard the Oklahoma age 20, yes first cousin fighter pilot shot down over England age 31, yes husbands brother age 20, marine killed on Iwo Jima.

    Brother, son, stepson marines, Vietnam they thank God came home, brother still suffers effects of agent orange, foster son marine desert storm.

  3. John McCain for President, get over it *****!

  4. That’s what I like about a democracy, we can all agree to disagree. McCain did serve his country and unfortunately served years as a POW. Luckily, he survived his ordeal. I too served my country, doing three tours in Vietnam. However, I do believe that McCains’ status as a POW has no bearing on his ability or inability to effectively govern a country, if this turns out to be a sticking point for some people. I believe that people should be guided by their conscience, ethics, and principles, and vote accordingly, wether they are Democratic, Republican, Independent, or whatever. The same scenario can also be applied to Obama. His being an African-American should have no bearing on wether he can or cannot effectively govern a country. Vote on the “issues” that fit your principles and those issues that most affect your life…plain and simple.  

  5. I had 24 years in the army and alot of the enemy I met never went home either.

  6. I didn't know that.

  7. Another POW talks about McCain:

  8. I lost me in Vietnam.

    Nuff Said.

  9. I had two uncles that served with honor in WW II.  Both were in the Navy in the Pacific. My cousin's first husband was killed in Vietnam.  His name is on the Vietnam Memorial wall in Washington.   These men served proudly and with honors.  

    John McCain deserves all the honor he can get. Look what he went through as a POW.  

  10. Yes, many were killed in many wars we have fought. The only reason it is an issue now is because one of them is running for office.

    We honor all the war dead and those that served. There is the traveling Viet Nam memorial and all the local memorials. I have had relatives in all the wars this country has ever fought, including the Revolutionary war.

    I am sorry for your loss but I think your politics are showing a little if you feel that all others are not honored. It seems as though the Republican convention has you upset. Do you remember John Kerry?. He proudly brought up his service also.

    When it comes to serving the country, I don't care what their politics are. That changes years away anyhow. They all deserve our honor. Just now though, it is an election cycle. I also honor John McCain. He wasn't the only POW nor was he Only a POW. There were others that were in prison when he was and featured last night on the convention floor.Politics don't usually affect the war dead.

    Honor all veterans and not just yours or who ever fits your politics.

  11. Four score and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth upon this continent a new nation: conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

    Now we are engaged in a great civil war. . .testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated. . . can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war.

    We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

    But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate. . .we cannot consecrate. . . we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.

    It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us. . .that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion. . . that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain. . . that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom. . . and that government of the people. . .by the people. . .for the people. . . shall not perish from the earth.  

  12. Yes, WW I, WW II, Korean war, Viet Nam,  Bay of Pigs, Desert Storm, and Iraq . . .what is so amazing is that they all came home !  There really must be something in the power of prayer. . .  

  13. My brother was killed  in the Korean war, My husband spend 9 years in the Air force served during Vietnam and Korean war, Had a brother in law in the air force that was also in Vietnam, had another brother in law that re tired from the Air force had a couple of Uncles that was in World War 2,  Brother in the Army National Guard. A nephew in the army spent two tours in  Iraq and ready to go back the third time. Yes I am very proud of Senator McCain and how he served his country , as I am proud and appreciate of all our military now in the past and the future and Yes I do intend to vote for McCain, I think he is the best man for the job

  14. I am grateful for their sacrifice; but, there is more to being President than just being a good soldier.

  15. I remember well how the American people, treated the Viet Nam vets when they came home. Shameful. If John McCain had used his father's influence and taken his freedom, he would be scrutinized for copping out. You can't win, someone is always critisizing, Damned if you do, damned if you don't. My dad served in WWII and was wounded. There are memorials and also local chapters of VFWs, American Legions, etc give the vets their recognition. When these events take place all over America, there are many many Americans that do not even attend those events. Sad.

  16. While I admire what McCain did for his country, I do not intend to vote for him.  Nor do I think he was the only one who served.

  17. =*(

    We have lost several friends due to agent orange and some are currently dying from it. My heart goes out to you for your loss.

    My SIL is suffering the effects of chemical exposure in Saudi, which he unfortunately brought home and exposed to my daughter and grandchildren to.

    I wish I had the answers.


    We give and continue to give and at the expense of our childrens health.

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