
Did you have a mid life crises when you turned 40?

by Guest64521  |  earlier

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I think I might be having one. I have to say it started when my sisters next door neighbour asked if I was my new born nephews grandmother !!!! Straight out to colour and cut the hair, and no chocolate since.............

Don't want to be 40, do want to find something FUN to do on the day!!





  1. I do not wish to sound rude but if anyone goes through this crisis and it can strike at any age then it probably means they are unhappy about themselves any way. Age is a factor but not the cause for a crisis.

    As a man I took up new interests just before turning 40 and found that I am more happier than ever as I realised that fitting into other peoples perspective was the thing that was making me unhappy in earlier years. In other words as soon as I stopped being a sheep and following the herd I became more content and now do not give a d**n what anyone thinks or says about me. I am happy and that is all that counts. Also being happy and positive does make a person more attractive and as a slightly pot bellied bloke with teeth that could look good in a grave yard I am doing very well in the attraction stakes. It all comes down to personality and if that shines then you can do no wrong.  

  2. You're only 40 once, so make the most of it.

    Believe me, I've been there.

    I've got a free bus pass to look forward to.

  3. LOL- that's hilarious! I think it's normal to sometimes feel a bit "old" at or around the age of, say, 40. What you can do is hang out more often with younger people- they will keep you young at heart as well, and you'll automatically stay up to date on what's "in" and what's not "in". And if colouring your hair makes you feel better, then by all means do it!

  4. I'm having a midlife crisis and I'm 18 :(

    Just keep your head up and smile


  5. You'll keep getting stung by reminders that you are not as young as you used to be. How about facing the challenge. When I was nine I so badly wanted to be a teen. In my teens I wanted to be in my thirties. In my thirties I wanted to be in my.... oh all of a sudden I started to think ummm... I like being in my thirties. I am guessing that means in my forties I will be trying to walk bacwards so all I'm saying is maybe it's about finding the courage we had when we were younger to want to be more mature and live that age range to the fullest! I'll keep trying. Good luck.

  6. Ha ha. Life begins at 40. Give thanks you are healthy.... Kids are dying before they are born  in some parts of the world.

  7. I've heard a rumour that your husband is...

    1) Extremely handsome

    2) Amazing in bed

    3) Loving, caring and considerate

    What more could you ever ask for ?  

  8. My mid-life crisis started in adolescence and continued into my dotage.

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