
Did you have good or bad dreams last night?

by Guest44712  |  earlier

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Do you even remember?




  1. can i make myself dream about Brandon!!!! 4 thinking about him soooo much u would think i would remember him @ night! yea?

  2. good thang...

    where have you gone.....

  3. i actually had a good dream last night.  i was showing rob halford around the city where i live.  probably because i saw judas priest last night.  but still - good dream!

  4. It was freaking weird...I was a cop trying to figure out a insane murder case...I recommend NOT watching CSI before bed

  5. No dream at all, as far as I can say.

  6. no, to be honest i dont.

  7. more strange than good or bad...just ...weird...yes I remember.

    My great Aunt (who is still alive) was sitting in a chair telling me my life

  8. I remember I did not dream.

  9. i had a bad dream...yeah i do but its too complicated and long, freddie prinze jr was in it and johnny depp, no i know you must ask how can this be bad, well ill tell you why, they were going to be killed in my dream....thats why it was bad...

  10. i dont remember any of them.

    pleaseeee answer mine;...

  11. bad  the dream  had repeats in it  terrible

  12. I dream naughty dreams!

    ssıʞ ♥ kiss

  13. i had a good dream but my sister had to wake me.

  14. Bad...I woke up crying, haha! I don't even remember. Something about someone chasing me in a car. It was really scary.  

  15. rarely remember my dreams.

  16. Bad

  17. Yes, I had a very vivid dream about a Hot Female.

    In the dream, I went to sleep with her, then the next morning, I woke up with a Wedding Band on my left paw.

    I told her I had to go to work.

    When Co-Workers asked about the Band of Gold around my finger, I told them it was the strangest thing, I woke up this morning and it was there.

  18. not bad, kinda weird and random...

  19. good dream. i've been having a lot of dreams about rob. haven't had any "good good" dreams about him lately but a lot of dreams where we are just hanging out. had one of those dreams last night...can't make sense why i've been dreaming more about him though...i used to rarely dream about him but now i have quite a few just in one week.

  20. Last night?  ^_^  I had some good dreams.

    Without burdening you with Too Much Info, let's just say I got to cuddle with a lady, a real cutie, and that we got to whisper and murmur a few warm nothings as we lay quietly on a balcony and watched an elaborate Masquerade ball (with costumes) on the ballroom floor down below.

    ^_^  Spiffy stuff, and her costume ruled too.

    But hey, that's enough out of me.... ^_~

  21. I have good when I wake up in the morning and go back to sleep and weird dreams only when I have the remote or my phone in the bed. I can remember them for some reason... I wish I didn't some times :-(

  22. once I fell asleep the alcohol in my system prevented me from dreaming at all

  23. I didn't have one, I miss my dream.

    What do they call those dreams where you control everything? A Lucid Dream? I dream very rarely, but it seems all my dreams are Lucid ones, I have no clue if i'm lucky or what...

  24. Bad. Woke up grouchy about it. A reoccurring one. I don't like those.

  25. Pretty good, pretty strange to.

  26. not really bad, but just weird.

  27. Bad. I had a dream where a big black spider was crawling down next to me. So woke up in a panic which woke my friend up and freaked her out. So I threw the pillows on the floor and looked under the bed. Then I turned off the light and laid back down. She was like WTF? and went back to bed also

  28. i've had nightmares for the past two nights, they were both about people trying to catch me and i can never run away fast enough... does that ever happen to you?

  29. Just average. I dream 3 or 4 times a night every night They are all random

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