
Did you have to put one of your children up for adoption..for whatever reason?

by Guest31625  |  earlier

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how often do you think of him/her

and do u ever want to call or have anything to do with them




  1. I soooo didn't have to.  I chose to.  

    I thought of him a lot at first.  Now? 21 years later?  I think of him now and again...wonder how he is but I don't stress over him or get upset or depressed.

  2. Yes, I was able to care for my first child for thirteen months.  I got sick, and was not able to work enough to support both of us while providing him the care and attention he deserved.  The final situations that led up to it were many, nothing bad; just very personal.

    I think of him all the time.  He is my little boy, and no matter what, he will always be in my heart even though he isn't in my house. I sent him letters and cards all the time in the beginning, but it was made clear that they were unwelcome.  So, instead, I keep a journal for him.  I write in it whenever I can.  Tell him what I wonder, what I hope for him, how much i miss him and love him.  I do get to see him a couple times a year briefly.  And, I'm very grateful for that, but he doesn't know who I am, so it's just weird to pretend that I'm just a "friend".  But - that is the condition I have to follow to see him.  And, some day he'll know, and know I did what I had to in order to make sure he knew me.

  3. I had a child I raised for over a year that I had to let her grandparents take, but I didn't give birth to her (she's my son's sister - legal issues after her father left).  I had to let her move back to her grandparents' house.  I still think of her every day and we try to see her a few times a month.

  4. I was 21 and not going to keep the baby and my mom helped me consider the blessing it would be for me to give a family who could not have children the ultimate gift. I had an open adoption 7 years ago and we are all happy, healthy, and in contact. It's one of the best things I ever did.

  5. Yes, I gave my second son up for adoption in 2002.  The only way at that point in my life for him to have a good life was for him to be taken care of the best wa y possible and I couldn't do it at that point. I found a nice couple out in California and I write to them almost everyday. They send me pics every six months. Maybe I will meet him one day.

  6. Yes I have placed a child. I think of him every single day, many times each day. If I was allowed contact I would spend as much time as possible with him... but that is not going to happen any time soon. Open adoption is a farce.

  7. No and I would never put my kids up for adoption. I would get a job even work 3 or 4 jobs if need be to take care of my kids.

  8. I would never put up my kid for adoption! If I made it I am going to take care of it! No matter what I have to do to accomplish that like that other guy/girl said no matter how many jobs I'd have to get I do it for my child. I mean think about if ur parents did that to u....Besides I would never be ABLE to give the baby up, I could barely be a seragent! and I doubt someone forced the other person to give their baby up.

  9. My sister had to.

    She was 19 and was overjoyed when becoming pregnat with twins, girls. Then she lost her job, her husband died and her world flipped over. She could no longer care for the twins once they were 3 weeks old. She put them in foster care and they were adopted 4 months later, after my sister turned 20 and returned back to school.

    It's been 10 years and she thinks of them everyday. She wants to see them, but cannot for another 8 years(it was an open adoption). She remembers Kristen and Roxi like one would remember a favorite pet dying. I hope one day they can be reunited. She has had another daughter that is 5.

    I had to aswell.

    I was 17. I was going to care for him, but sadly my mom and step-dad were agansit it and my father and step-mother couldn't take in anymore people, so I was forced to put him up for adoption.

    I think of him everyday. I live in Alanata, he lives in Florida. Kevin(my son)is now 15 and in 3 years I will be able to see him. I have had more children, but that doesn't mean I don't love him. I am very sad that I had to give up my first child that I loved so much. It was sad watching him leave with his adoptive mother and father. His parents have told him(his adoptive mother contacted me) and he wants to see me.  We e-mail and write. If I could have, I would have kept him.

    Now I am going to become a foster mother or I will adopt for children like Kevin and Kristen and Roxi. I will make sure they know about their birthparents and know that I will let them see their birthparents if they can and wish. I miss Kevin and my sister misses her twins, but we both know we did what was best.

    God Bless

  10. Yes, I did.  I didn't "have" to, but it was the best decision for him.

    I think about him every day.  Every time I look at my daughters I wonder what their half brother looks like, is doing.  

    I would never call.  If he called me, I'd be happy, but I would never impose myself into his life.  That is his choice to make, not mine.

    I'd welcome any and all contact with him.

  11. My son's ex girlfriend did (she gave their second child away,father (my son) is still fighting to have him returned.

    My son still wants her to be involved in his life since she has his sister and she doesn't want to.  She gave him away because she wanted to get in good with new boyfriends family and not lose some child support

    Told the courts that she never wanted to see this sweet little boy ever. ( son is much better off with out her, granddaughter crys when she has to go home from the every week visit with her daddy

  12. Yes, I relinquished my first born in 2001.

    I think about her every single day. And yes, we are in contact (open adoption).

  13. im adopted but my mom does not bother calling me. and in fact she does not wnat anything to do with me, she hates me, i would talk to her but she would block my number..

  14. I put my last child up for adoption becuase I have a brain tumor and am too sick to care for her and don't have any living family who would be able to care for my kids if and when something would happen to me. I think about her just about every second of every day, but she's still too young for me to call her (18 months Dec 18). I have seen her a couple of times since she's been born and sometimes get pictures, but she's too far away for me to be a part of her daily life. I wish I could be.

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