
Did you have your first child when you were 19 or younger?

by Guest63300  |  earlier

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what was your biggest challenge? biggest joy? Tell me your story. Were you married? Was it on on purpose or a suprise?




  1. I planned my pregnancy. Unfortunately I became pregnant without much effort and I was planning my wedding at the time. With issues with my church and marriage classes I was very pregnant at my own wedding. We were married in August and my oldest child was born in November. We have been married 12 years and have 3 kids now. I think my biggest challenge was making the transition from being at home with mom and Dad as my safety net to being a wife and mother. I did a lot of things I shouldnt have as a new mom and wife. And a lot I had a lot of challenges in the first year. But I think the happiness makes it all worthwhile. My biggest joy as a young mom is hard to choose. My husband holding a newborn baby, the wonder of seeing your child for the first time, and the overwhelming sense of accomplishment when you see your child reaching milestones are some of my greatest joys as a new parent. As an older parent i marvel at how intelligent my children are, how despite my own flaws my children are perfect in my eyes, as well the individual accomplishments they have made that I could have never dreamed of attempting myself.

  2. It was 2 weeks after my 17th birthday when a scan showed I was pregnant with twins! We had planned one child but not two!!!!!

    I had them at 28 weeks. I was living with and engaged to their dad. 9 months later, I was pregnant with our 3rd. She was a surprise! We broke up when I was 12 weeks pregnant and I got another boyfriend. Me and him have been together for nearly 3 years now.

    Im now 21, with 3.5 yr old twins and a 2 year old all girls!!!

    Biggest challenge was the stereotypes that young UK mums are faced with. Also being 17 and having premature twins is a lot to take in. My biggest joy was being able to give birth to my youngest naturally - i'd missed out on it with my twins and it was the greatest achievement of my life!

    Me and my boyfriend are hoping to get married in the future but we are happy as we are now!

    The children's dad has had nothing to do with them, he doesnt want to know!

  3. I was 20, engaged, and he was definitely a surprise! We moved our wedding up, and got married when I was 3 months along. Biggest challenge, was not quite being mentally prepared. Biggest joy, when my son was born, all those other feelings dissapeared! I was ready to love him, and be his mommy!

  4. I am 18 years old and my son is due August 20 =D, so far my biggest challenge has been rushing to get my schooling done before he arrives, which I have done!!  Another huge challenge for me was when I first found out deciding what I was going to do.  I have also had a tough time with all of the attention a pregnancy brings and kind of just want to tell everyone to F off!  I have never been one to put myself in the spotlight and I am noticing that all of the sudden people that I never talked to now want to be my friend just because I am having a baby.  My biggest joys so far are feeling him kick and move inside my belly, and seeing him at ultrasounds. I had a 3D ultrasound and it was the most amazing thing ever!  I am not married and my son was not planned but is a blessing either way.

  5. married at 17 she was 15 had 2 awesome kids with a pathetic wife! end game

  6. I was sweet 16 and I laughed through my labour, I had an epidural it was great then when I saw him Love filled my heart it was the best experience of my life.  My second son nearly killed me but when he came out he also filled my heart with love.  Yes married 7 1/2 years.  Yes our kids were planned.

  7. I was sixteen when my girlfriend became pregnant. It was hard because we hadn't planned it and really weren't in the right places in life for a child. I was a heroin addict and a heavy drinker/smoker and loved going out every night. I would get into fights, mug people, steal things and lie to everyone. My relationship with my girlfriend was terrible - we argued constantly and I would lash out at her a lot. She was also quite a heavy drinker/smoker and took some drugs. When we found out she was pregnant, we didn't really think about it. We didn't change our lifestyle whatsoever just because she was pregnant, except she drank less.

    When my son was born I was seventeen and still a selfish addict. He was taken to intensive care almost immediately because he had drugs in his blood. Two weeks later, his Mum left us and I had to look after him alone. I didn't know what to do and I clearly wasn't the right person to look after a baby, so I decided I had to get clean. At this point we were living with my alcoholic Mum in a violent household and there wasn't much space for everyone. It took a lot for me to even try and get clean, I had so many attempts and had to start all over again. I was then put on medication because I had developed schizophrenia, depression and PTSD. I was admitted into hospital because I was considered a threat and they had to sedate me because I was so violent. It was a long, bumpy road but I finally got there.

    I'm now twenty and my son is in isolation with leukemia. I find that it's very difficult, especially as I'm still quite young and not used to coping with this much stress. I think the biggest challenge for me being a young parent was forcing myself to grow up, taking responsibility for another person and having to face things earlier than most people. Even now, I still feel the extra stress of being younger than most parents of 4-year-olds. I think that if I was older I would be able to cope with my son being ill and with all the things that come with it better, but I'm doing fine. The biggest joy for me was definitely holding my son for the first time after I gave up heroin and knowing that he was what had changed my life and that I was his Dad. So I wasn't married or even in a stable relationship, but if I could go back I don't think I'd want it any other way.

  8. My husband and I decided we wanted to start a family, and concieved when I was 17. We moved from Vegas to Tennessee at 4 and a half months pregnant. Got married a short drive from where we live now. Had our daughter 2 weeks and 2 days after I turned 18. Then bought our house when I was 19.

    Biggest challenge we have had, was getting the trashy family members out of our lives! After nothing but conflict, lies, violence, and substance abuse out of our parents and siblings....we just cut all ties 100%. Things getting bad enough to make that choice and constantly dealing with it daily was a challenge, finally we just decided we didn't need the b/s and would be happier without them around. And we are more drama, it's pretty nice!

    Having kids has actually been a breeze, everything comes fairly naturally and is more of a common sense thing for us. It's been a lot easier than we were led to believe it would be. I get to stay at home with them, and we love the set up for our family. It's all turned out remarkably well so far. (other than having crappy family!! That sucks, it would be nice to have some decent family around)

    Biggest joy...the bitter sweet feeling of whatching her grow up.  I've worked with her a lot on learning,  she is so smart, and sweet. We look at her and see her doing so well and are so proud of her, but it's sad at the same time because she's just getting so big so fast! Time deffinately flies, but that's my biggest joy....just watching her grow up.

  9. Had my first when I was 16. The biggest challenge is a tie between getting kicked out and being pregnant my sophomore year of high school. biggest joy would have to be watching her grow into the amazing teenager that she is today. I was not married at the time but once her father and I turned 18 we did get married, we have been happily married for 13 years. We now have 3 girls(15, 2, 1) and one more on the way. it wasn't a planned pregnancy but she was definitely the best thing that ever happened to me. Really I grew up with her, I was no where near mature enough to have a kid when i got pregnant but as the pregnancy progressed so did my maturity.

  10. Yes, I married the day after I turned 19, got pregnant a month later.

    Biggest challenge was not having our own place; we lived with my parents, at first... BIG mistake, but, we finally did move out and get our own house.

    Biggest joy was having my first child; my only son. :)

    It was neither a surprise, nor planned... We knew I'd eventually get pregnant, since we were having unprotected s*x, and we were okay with that. Even though, in hindsight, it would have been best if we'd been living on our own.


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