
Did you hear Giuliani say that obama flipped so much, biden better get his VP status in writing?

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true! he better!!!




  1. Did he say that?  Good for you, Rudy!

  2. What is so funny about it? Rudy just running his mouth

  3. After all....his word is only worth the paper its written on!


    "Maybe they [in Alaska] CLING to religon!"  


  5. That is funny. Bookies across the world are keeping odds on whether or not Palin will be dropped, but for some reason they don't feel that Biden will be dropped. Irony.

  6. OMG!  Giuliani thinks this is the 2004 election!

    Seriously, have you looked at McCain`s record?  He`s the changed his mind more often than he forgets where he left it.  

  7. I would rather my president change his mind, after thinking about it more, getting more (possibly better) facts, than just basing his vote on "is it better for the rich".....So keep thinking the republicans will win, if you dont pay attention to the news obama is killing Mccain in many of the key states already. You lost, make sure to stay away from yahoo answers when Obama wins, we all know you will....ahahahahha

  8. Awwwesome speech.

    LOL, made my night.

    There is no argument, Obama is not qualified = FACT!

    So good to hear someone tell it like it really is.

    Sorry Dems., truth hurts, don't it. Should of picked Hillary.

  9. That was great!  We repubs really have a way with words ;)...and we can back them up and make them a reality.

  10. John McCain's flip flops? Bush's tax cuts, drilling, pandering to evangelicals after calling them "agents of intolerance".

  11. Yes Rudy and Lieberman have so much to say but they both ran for president. Are they the last two standing? NO. Nobody cared then nobody cares now.

  12. I didn't think it was funny at all!

  13. ROFL

    I am hanging flipflops next to my stop obama sign.  

  14. Lol, did he really said that?

  15. And I'm supposed to believe that because Rudy said it?  The man has lied about his own record for years.  He takes credit for improvements in NY that were begun under the previous administration.

    RESPONSE - Pointing out that Rudy is full of **** and himself is not being sour.

  16. Obama picked a much better VP  candidate than McCain. I also heard Giuliani say that Obama would need on the job training, but if McCain can't perform his presidential duties, Palin would have to have private tutoring. As usual, the republicans don't have anything to talk about but Obama. Too bad they can't speak on the issues.

  17. Why, yes he did.  


    I also like the line where he said the Sarah's hometown isn't 'cosmopolitan' enough for Obama!!

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