
Did you hear about Maradona, Jr.?

by  |  earlier

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You know, the fat,alcoholic transvestite?

All he wanted to do was eat, drink and be Mary.




  1. The one that constantly talks nonsense on this forum?

  2. I hope you're talking about that MJ ^^

  3. Lool,

    And I cannot tell which one you are reffering to.

  4. OK, you can stop l*****g my balls now..... good boy!!!

  5. There's only one MJ I know and he is untouchable...

  6. Hmmm I have no idea what you're talking about but its well over the mark mate!! YELLOW card for confusing me and the other users and (I presume) disrespecting a fellow user!

    EDIT: Maradona you're OFF mate! *Show Red card*

    That is a step too far! Off you go for an early bath!

  7. MJ?

    well sorry but i have only heard of Mary Jane

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