
Did you hear about Sarah Palin's Speech?

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Since it was the second highest rating they have ever had on Fox News, does that show millions of people were very interested in what she had to say?




  1. Not everything because I had to puke permanently.

  2. I was so excited to hear her, she was AWSOME! After her speech, I hope it opened more "Liberal" minds....

  3. Many of us had never heard of her and were very interested in what she had to say....................and it was worth listening to - she was great.

  4. As many watched her speech as the Messiah's.  Shows how fast his star is fading since his record is being exposed.

  5. 40 million, in fact. As many as watched Mr. Perfect spin his night away in Denver.

  6. She was poised, calm, self-assured, and well spoken.  She stood her ground, yet was friendly and inviting.  I watched her eyes, and you could see determination and fight in her.  She means what she says.   I like her.

  7. she shot the lights out. at first i was nervous, but she didnt let me down..

  8. This just tells you that America is very interested in a woman and that she is.

  9. Yep.  Primarily because she was so little known and there was so much speculation about her, people had to know what the deal was.

    Gotta tell ya, I love her.  Think I may have a little bit of a girl crush on Sarah Palin : )  

  10. Until a few days ago, millions of people hadn't ever heard of her.

    My guess is they wanted to find out a little bit about her.

    Instead she opted to talk about Obama.

    Furthermore, I wouldn't believe one word spewed by "Faux' news.

    Oh, and if you did a tad of research, you would know that she is a chronic liar.

  11. They are interested because she in new and unknown. You are reading too much into it. If Obama was unknown and new and it is his first speech, it would be the same or better.

  12. Great speech.

  13. NOPE!

  14. Headlines on Yahoo homepage today:  "Palin more popular than Obama or McCain".

  15. I watched her speech.

    She delivered it very well, just like Obama did a great job delivering his.

    Obama's speech had more idealistic emotion--not a bad thing, mind you--and Palin's speech had more substance.

    This has suddenly become a very interesting election.

  16. I saw it. Very shrill.  

  17. Yes she is America's sweetheart

  18. As an interested voter, I had to watch her, take my first opportunity to get to know this unknown.  Number of people watching doesn't equal number of people liking.

    Impression:  A strong minded, close minded person.  Not a deep thinker, has a shallow grasp of the background of major issues, even the ones she does know at all.

  19. I thought her speech was great, and she done a good job.

    I loved it


    However it doesn't appear that Barack Obama's campaign liked the speech as much as I did...

    ( Barack Obama’s Campaign manager suggest Sarah Palin is a liar. )

    "There wasn't (one thing) that she [Sarah Palin] said about Obama or what he's proposing that's true" -- David Axelrod

  20. Who?

  21. Those who tuned in were interested, yes, but not necessarily convinced.  Most of the people I know who watched it got a very bad impression of her.

    Just out of curiosity, what was their first hightest rating?

  22. Yes they were more interested in what she had to say.  She came accross as a screech owl.  She told more lies than truth.

    I for one, would like to see her interviewed, but the Republicans put the lid on that one.  No interviews for the entire campaign.  Sounds like she is only allowed to talk in speeches written by Bush's speech writer.  They put a gag in her mouth.  Should tell you something.

  23. Yes, I heard the speech and she hit out of the park, Sarah indeed, exceeded expectations.

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