
Did you hear about the Saudi Sheikh that flew his Lambo 6,500 miles to Britain for an an oil change?

by Guest63787  |  earlier

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hahahah classic, I love Saudi's again.




  1. Well Obama said a tune up would solve the gas price problem.

    This Sheik must be the only one who believes him though.

    I fell of the chair laughing when Obama said to tune up your car and inflate your tires and that would lower the price of oil.  He's really turning out to be the most ignorant person to ever run for president.  

    Jimmy Carter must be happy to now be in second place on that list.

  2. Wouldn't it make more sense to fly it to Italy.  The people who built it would be the most qualified to service it.

  3. actually I am surprised he had the oil changed...they usually just buy a new one!  times must be tough!!

  4. That's hilarious!  AGW believers have a real problem on their hands.  No matter how much Western nations "reduce carbon", the net carbon emissions will continue to increase with China, India, the Gulf nations and others dumping it left and right into the atmosphere.

    There is a Forbes article that estimates China and India together on average will be building a coal-fired electric plant every week for the next 25 years (below)!  

    Underdeveloped African nations should be allowed to give their citizens cheap coal-powered electricity, too - but that's another story.

    The net increase of CO2 into the atmosphere WILL NOT STOP - so they better pick a date for the end of the world and stick with it.  May I suggest 2012?

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