
Did you hear about the TV documentary about Obama being put out by a conservative group?

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It is supposed to be put on tv (probably a cable channel) in the Fall and it is going to include ALL of Obama's gaffs, radical ties and anti-white, anti-American instances. Should be good.




  1. Nope, I haven't heard it.  And I really hope I do not see it.  All it is is another example of how rampant propaganda and dis/mis-information are used-so deceitfully-to sway the general American public in election years.  How can you trust them and, moreover, their sources?

    The USA is filled with blue collar workers without college degrees who are alcohol and drug addicts.  They are so pathetically sad on the inside that they vote for the most vindictive and mean-spirited person: McCain.  Oh yeah, he has PTSD and Alzheimer's disease-not to mention dormant forms of cancer!  The religious are the same-no education, narrow & judgemental world-views...and generally severely disaffected by the quality of their lives (of course 'god' doesn't care about these fanatics).

    Why do people not see how healthy, important, and vital COLLEGE is?  Oh yeah, they're delusional narcissists who are incredibly self-important.

  2. Must-See TV.

  3. Thats how we got more Bush instead of John Kerry.  Maybe America will be smarter this time.

    Go Obama!

  4. yea sounds so nice to know that the only chance we have to stop him is to smear him and drag him down...way to go....the best part about it, is when we finish dragging him through the slime, we'll get to call him President....

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