
Did you hear about the five-acre,100-foot-deep body of water mysteriously disappearing in Chile?

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That's creepy, if you ask me.




  1. i heard about that, that's really really weird. I guess that shows that global-warming might be real. But i also think that happened over time because that can't happen over night i just think nobody really noticed it. Then again it probably happened really quickly.

  2. those dudes are stretching the event . they exagerate too much.

  3. No I haven't

  4. Hello I'm from Chile, which I spend with this lake with glacial was very strange, they say that the whole water went away for a conduit or crack towards the sea, others say that the intervention of the phenomenon was ovni and others say that everything was a reason of the global warming.

    The incredible thing is that it disappeared overnight, leaving in his place a gigantic pit of 100 feet of depth, also with floes, but deposited in dry soil


  5. no! post the link so will be able to read it. please

  6. Yeah I did.Its creepy.Plus people say Global Warming did it.Global Warming isnt even true.

  7. no i didn't but thats weird

  8. Its on yahoo news... Apparantly too much water caused it to break and flow into the ocean.  It is refilling though.

  9. No...But I amazed at the 150 ft tall straw sticking out of it.

  10. An investigation has revealed that too much water was the problem. The melting Tempano and Bernardo glaciers filled the lake beyond the crater's capacity. The increased pressure broke the lake's moraine through which water flowed out, later ending up in the ocean. The lake is refilling as the chunks of ice on the lake bed melt, though Chilean scientists pointed out that global warming did have a serious effect. Glaciers naturally melt and reform, but warming is causing the Tempano and Bernardo glaciers to melt more than they should..

  11. That happened a long time ago. I don't know why they're bringing it back up.

    And it didn't mysteriously disappear. They found out that too much water caused too much pressure so the water broke through the lake walls.

  12. Now that's "Creepy",..!!

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