
Did you hear about the manager of a TGIFriday's that told a customer..?

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with a service animal that they were not welcomed at the resturant, and they must leave? I guess she made a stink about ADA rules but they didn't care so the couple left along with half the other customers.




  1. That was great that the other customers left as well.  Good for them.  That manager was clueless.

  2. I like that the other customers left also...

  3. No, I had never heard that before.  Hooray for the customers that walked out.

  4. ya TGIF can get in alot of trouble.  Sears was fined good amount for not having a significant break room for a disability employee who had problems with her lungs.  They were making the lady walk to the food court and back for break and she couldnt do it so she sued Sears how cool huh?

  5. no....but thats really funny!!!

    *best answer!

  6. Actually I did, I am a restaurant manager and we got an email warning about service animals and not to do that.  I think they got sued.

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