
Did you hear about the woman who came back to life...?

by Guest62670  |  earlier

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just as they were about to harvest her organs?

It was just on the news & I missed part of it. If you saw it..what did they say about her that I missed? Thanks.




  1. In ages past, is was not unheard of for people to be buried while they were still alive because they were thought to be dead.   Of course, now people are embalmed, so that eliminates the possibility they will wake up in the casket.  If they are not dead already, having their blood drained will do it.  

    Edgar Allen Poe wrote his story The Fall of the House of Usher about a woman who was interred  in the family crypt, where she later woke up.

    If people in the past could be mistaken about whether a person was dead or not,  I think doctors could make the same mistake today.

  2. Yes ,and now shes dead again.

  3. It happened to a woman here... only a couple of years ago...

    She had been in the morgue for a couple of days, and only a couple of hours before her funeral, she started hearing the funeraal workers talking around her, and feeling them prepare her...When she realised what was happening, she fought for awhile to scream out and move her limbs. One of the guys noticed her move, and they got her up...she talked about her ordeal on one of our news stories....

    It does happen, there are many cases of it world wide, there is a name for it, but cannt think of it right now...when a person is prounanced dead, cause all their vital signs have stopped, or seem like that, in these cases...There is an actual name for it.....

  4. yes i saw her she had some in finished business in this world that happens a lot where i'm coming from

  5. Wow..was she already cut open???



  6. Deenie, I haven't heard about this, but it sounds fishy.  Local news programs just love the feel-good story.  The problem with such stories is that in an effort to crank up the human interest angle they frequently omit important information.

    I am not an M.D., but I do know what is considered "dead" actually falls on a bit of a spectrum.  Just because you aren't breathing doesn't mean you're dead.  I would think that before organs are removed a person would be certified as brain dead.  This means the person is for all intents and purposes as dead as can be without any chance of reviving.

    Here's a pretty good explanation by a physician as to what constitutes death and how that impacts what are known as Near Death Experiences:

  7. You can read about it here.

  8. Hello,,yeah,,I saw that news,,the lady's heart stopped and the paramedics tried to revive her. They said her toes and fingers had started to curl and she was cold. They did quite a few things to try to revive her,and then the family pulled the plug. The organ donor story is true also,,but they did not cut her open,,maybe they were going to,,I think they said they started to cool her internal organs,but that might not be the real story. She woke up after being brain dead for about 18 hours!!! she was talking and said she felt blessed!!I can hardly wait for that to happen to me!!!

  9. It sounds like the famous urban legend. I have not heard any mention of this on the news so I suspect it might have been a story on the urban legend itself.

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