
Did you hear on the news that all those people have been exposed to formaldehyde in those FEMA mobile homes?

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Well guess WHAT.

They have ALWAYS used formaldehyde.

If you ever bought a new one, you know that!

Does that mean that EVERYBODY should vacate their mobile homes?

What in the world is going on?




  1. Travel trailers are not meant to be LIVED in for long periods of time. Those people SHOULD have been able to move back into their rightful homes a LONG time ago.

    Heck of a job, there, Brownie.

  2. I don't think so. I guess those who are not allergic would prefer to be on their own property, & not in some rented place miles away. Why can't they help fix their homes?

    I can't believe decent people are still camping out in a First World country.

    More like "raising hopes that anyone who has nothing to lose could sue."

  3. All homes are full of formaldehyde. Drapes, carpets, furniture. Big deal. And even worse chemicals that that. This is just the stupid media with another global warming hoax. And a bunch of chicken little's whining about the sky falling again. Same c**p, different day.

  4. You are right, they have always used formaldehyde.

    Plus, LOTS of healthy folks have lived in travel trailers for years.  They are mostly retirees, and there is no epidemic of retired travel trailer dwellers coming down with illnesses due to formaldehyde.

    The FEMA people claiming that formaldehyde made them ill are lying.  They either simply have allergies (which aren't nearly as bad as they make out), or they were ill prior to moving in.  They just want someone else to pay their way for them.

    And it's not the government's rightful job to babysit them.  They were giving away d**n good jobs that paid 15 bux an hour here (Texas) to FEMA people when this whole mess started.  They advewrtised them on street signs and radio adverts.  Unfortunately, the bulk of those jobs had to go to natives, because the FEMA people were too content with the government checks and free rent to be bothered with getting a job.

    The people who sued because they supposedly got sick from the formaldehyde in their 'free' homes, are the f***s of the human race.  They are mostly the product of welfare homes.  

    Ultimately, that kind of leech is what is produced when the government gets into the charity business.  Those folk were produced many years ago.  Result of welfare, and a society that no longer forces people to take responsibility for their own actions, and work for their own betterment.

    I'm a bus driver, and unfortunately have become familiar with so many of these sewer Katrina people that it has made me regret that my state (Texas) was so quick to welcome them.  What garbage they are, after they got here, they ruined the schools.  Their kids were so bad that the natives were afraid to send their own kids to school with them.

    Garbage, these people.  What a cash cow they have found.  I know that most of them know in their hearts of hearts that hurricane Katrina was the best thing that ever happened to them in their worthless, immoral lives.

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