
Did you hear on the news that there might be an apocalypses?Do u think that it's gonna happen???

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Did you hear on the news that there might be an apocalypses?Do u think that it's gonna happen???




  1. I heard that but no I am not charging up the credit cards

  2. lol.  I am 38, do you know how many apocalypses I have gone through?  I foget all the reasons, 1982, 1988, 1991, a few others, let us not forget Y2K, where everything electrical would rise up and end.  I have heard about the 2012.  Forgot why.  

    The problem, people like to get attention, this is one way.  People like to be idiots, this is one way.

    It ranges from predictions from nostrodomous (sp) to the comet Hale-Bob.

    People have preached the ending of the world since the beginning of time, how can people waste their energies believing in all this.

    Give up on the world doom.  Enjoy life.

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