
Did you hear that it is now racist for infants to turn their nose up at foreign food?

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I think it's great news. I can't wait to shove some pork pies and bacon butties down them Muslim toddlers throats

in all seriousness doesnt racism work both ways?




  1. Yes, several other people asked the same question 3 days ago. Yawn.

  2. It never works both ways, at least not in this Liberal country.

  3. Yeah, I heard that rumour too.  It's a load of rubbish if you look at the NCB press release, but why stop a good bit of outrage?

  4. Great question, I love your response!!! I'd personally love to do the same, but my sis got her revenge recently.

    My little nephew was suspended from school for bringing chocolate to share with his classmates, but the choclate came from an Easter egg, and muslim parents found out, and protested.

    My 7 year old nephew was hauled up in front of the head teacher, and suspended for a fortnight.

    On his return back to school, the (Muslim) headteacher said it was not fitting to bring in Easter eggs in future, but cakes would be fine to share with classmates. My sis made up a batch of "Lardy cakes" which the little lad took in and shared. They went down a treat, and no-one complained!!!!

  5. When I was a small child, my best friends were black.  Not surprising, until you understand that I was brought up on a farm in apartheid South Africa.

    I've never understood why people don't know that children aren't racist by instinct.  It's something that is taught.  And if they aren't taught it, then it will never be an issue.  I was lucky - my paents werent' racist.

    By the way, my little girl got into trouble for calling the little girl who brought chocolate to school, "The chocolate girl".  Like a "milkman"?

  6. so what is my grandson being a racist about? He will NOT eat pancakes and loves yogurt and bananas....

    come on, you seem to be the authority....what is he discriminating against?

  7. dear God

    i have heard it all now

    which pr@t decided that ?  

    and yes it does !!!!

  8. Yep, it works both ways and who ever came up with this logic should be kept in chains as he/she is a danger to himself/herself and everyone around them.

  9. to true my m8 and its about time we had our say

  10. People shouldn't be so gullible! Go to the website or read the publication and you'll see that the comments have been taken out of context. You people should learn not to believe everything you read in newspapers, especially those whose agenda is to create race hate!!

  11. how can you call a child who doesn't even know how to read a racist! How could they understand that saying "yuck" makes them a bad person in the eyes of the people who actually agree with this? Racism never works both ways because the people who enforce these actions against small children probably hate at least some food out there. Just another article that proves how stupid some people can be.

  12. ha ha - I like it - I've not followed your link.

    But I have just have visions of jars of Heinz baby foods in different flavours

    Chilli con Carne  (strained)

    Beef Vindaloo  (junior)

    Garlic rusks

    Thai sauce bickypegs.

  13. Where did you read that?

    Also I cannot believe the retarded remarks you've made. Definitely not a father then, are you?

  14. Stop watching cable news (CNN, FOX, etc) and reading the USA Today.  Go read some real news that isn't sponsored by  corporate agenda or made up by some "armchair PhD".

  15. The way things are going in the world today, I would not be surprised at this lunatic article.  Now they want to take away a child's right to not like certain foods.  Let's all just be programmed like robots. Let's all have our individuality taken away. Let's all be told what we have to think, wear, do, like and dislike.  Hey wait, didn't someone try and do that already?

  16. Grow up you imbecile.

    And no......I didn't hear.  My two English daughters love curries, tapas, chinese, Greek, Italian, Mexican.  Their Muslim friends also love pizza, pasta, chips

    ps it's "those Muslim toddlers..." not "them Muslim toddlers" yourself British? You can't even speak properly.

  17. I agree that we should be teaching kids to respect people regardless of race or culture, but the food bit just strikes me as something either misinterpreted or just plain made up. A kid's not going to care what culture their food comes from- if they don't like it they don't like it, there's no swaying them without considerable effort!

    Next it'll be the Daily Express saying that British children who don't eat fish and chips are unpatriotic...

  18. Are you kidding - i knew this was in England it seems to be the #1 place for Muslims to b!t(h, cry, whine and groan and stomp their feet, pout and get away with it - oooor they will blow up infidels - either way!

    So - okay - scratching my head - let them try that in Texas, hahahahaha, our boys will be giving a one finger salute on this one!

  19. It should work both ways but not in this country.

    They have not thought that the kids may not actually like the flavour instead the are being racist is completely stupid as usual they jump into something without common sense they should all be strung up for these stupid guidelines.

  20. hear hear! Go on lad, good on ya. You're right mate! We need to get the British identity back!!!

    We need to show everyone we aint a bunch of pushovers!

    Bring on the bacon butties!!!!

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