
Did you hear that the Manny Ramirez trade died on the table??

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It should be fun the rest of the year in Beantown!!!




  1. The Red Sox would have been stupid to trade him. He is their best player and has always been a Yankee killer. As a Yankee fan, I would love to see him play for another team.

  2. Such a shame (although expected). As a Yankees fan, I wanted him gone.

    Anyone who thought getting Jason Bay would be the same as having Manny Ramirez was in for a rude awakening. Even with an easy schedule, the Sox might have been finished. Now they'll still make a run. Manny will calm down. His antics will stop.

    Now the Yankees' battle is twice as hard.

  3. This is great! He can sabotage that team from the inside out!


  5. If it has so be it. I think Manny, at this point, is ready for bygones to be bygones and continue to do what he can for whatever team he finishes the season with. It may actually be a blessing for Red Sox fans that he has created such drama because he will most liklely be gone at the end of the year but he will want to put up good numbers the rest of the year to be more attractive to other teams. Either way I think the Red Sox will be fine and make it to the playoffs.

  6. But I'm a Red Sox fan :(

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