
Did you hear that they found a Yangtze River Dolphin??? I think this is amazing!!! Thank god its not extinct?

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  1. Well, It'd be cool if they could save that fish but its population is probably too low to save the species.  Let's hope for the best.

  2. We can not yet say that it is not imminently extinct.

    Even finding a dozen in one area is not a clear shot at survival.

    If this species can mate with another dolphin  variant  its Genetic information miight be preserved. Or not.

  3. They probably just migrate up there like salmon. And they won't be able to anymore because of the 3 gorges dam.

    And why don't those retards try breeding them on a less populated area.... like say... Lake Baikal?

  4. its a big ocean

  5. This animal needs the single greatest revival effort in history to bring it back; its situation is so critical that unless this happens they are good as dead.

    They can't move them to lake Baikal

    1 Because it is quite a different environment than the Yangtze River.

    2 Because it is nearly impossible to find one

    3 Because transportation and introduction have always been faliers, except once.

    They don't ever go to sea, but they USED TO migrate up and down the river, before the dam was in place.

    Going Crazy, it's not an ocean animal.

    Check out the name.

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