
Did you hear the story about how McCain was actually "born" when he was released from a spacecraft at Roswell

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Did you hear the story about how McCain was actually "born" when he was released from a spacecraft at Roswell




  1. Did you know that Roswell itself was actually released from an alien spacecraft?

  2. Heh.  Democrats will believe ANYTHING.

    OOH, thumbs-downed by moonbats!

  3. well .......


  4. yes, did you hear the story about pigs flying?

  5. It is true.  I know, I was the pilot of the spacecraft.  If you send me $100,000, I will tell all.


  6. and yet he is stll a better choice..than "i dis my own white heritage and the media dont say nuttin" barrack obama

  7. All the presidents since Roosevelt have been alien born.

  8. To correct one of the people above me - all politicians are alien born.

    There.  That looks better.


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