
Did you hear what Geraldine Ferraro said today about McCains choice for VP?

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She is voting for McCain now! Looks like some of the top Democrats are jumping ship.




  1. put the drugs down...that has to be a drug induced statement

  2. Ferraro is an old school Democrat. Dems were never this radically left wing until the last few years.  

  3. Nonsense.  I understand McCain made his choice in a calculated attempt to get Clinton voters who chose Clinton only because she was a woman.

    Too bad for him.  It won't happen.

  4. Geraldine Ferraro is a nut.

  5. I know... the evidence that McCain is just a liberal in Republican's clothing continues to mount...

  6. I love trolls! LOL

  7. anything is better than the inexperienced half black candidate

  8. Everyone except the far-far-left crazies and the Obamamaniacs between 18 & 25 will be jumping ship.  McCain has proven once and for all that he is the CHANGE candidate, and he can deliver in Washington.  Not just because she is a woman, but Palin is a maverick too and cleaned up corruption in her state, plus put a stop to ridiculous spending.

    That's what we need, not an overhaul of our constitution and way of life as proposed by Obama.  Just someone who can finally break gridlock and make our government work the way it's supposed to.

    Geraldine Ferraro has been around long enough to know that.

  9. Good for her. I'm an independant and am now leaning towards John McCain. He's has ethics as does Sarah Palin. He hasn't made the best choice for himself many times, but has always made what he believed was the best choice for America. Sarah Palin is her own person and has clearly done the same. Now people will attack her experience, even though she has more than Barak Obama. They will attack her values, even though she chose to have a baby she knew would have issues. This is a great person. Barak chose a Washington insider, goes negative on John McCain in his acceptance speech, and says one thing while doing another. McCain tells you what he thinks, does it and sometimes pisses you off, but you know where he stands and he is always making the choice he believes is best for America. Barak NEVER votes against the party line and tells you what you want to hear. JFK said "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." Barak says "Ask not what you can do for your country, but what your country can do for you."

  10. Right up till last night I said that I would not and could not vote for McCain. I was going to go with the 3rd party option. But now, I can easily see my pen filling in the blank box for McCain and Palin. Romney's actions in the state of Massachusetts did not make me feel comfortable. So if he had been the pick for VP today I would have been saying, yes, no way on McCain. Picking Palin saved his butt or rather earned him a vote.

    So maybe Geraldine has some merits. Besides, Geraldine has an ax to grind against the DNC because she spoke the truth about Obama.

  11. That is never going to happen.

    Let's hear it for Eisenhower's granddaughter!!!!

    Obama/Biden '08

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