
Did you hear what Obama said last night about all of the tropical storms?

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He actually took credit for the way things have improved in La since Katrina. I wonder what Bobby Jindal would say about that!




  1. Sounds like something he would say, although I try to avoid listening to him.

  2. Like he has any clue !

  3. Well if you listened to his acceptance speech at the DNC he has and will continue to do some exceptional things: I think that he's going to eliminate taxes, provide national healthcare, provide solar powered cars for everyone within 10 years etc.    He's amazing!!!!!!!

    I hate when politicians promise things that they have no proof they can do.  He may also stop hurricanes as well  

  4. Yes, but that is because hurricane Katrina was the fault of President Bush and his fellow Republicans, mainly because they are racist and do not care about the people of New Orleans (because apparently all of New Orlean's residents are minority), and because Republicans have not done enough to fight man-made climate change (because apparently all Republicans drive SUV's, and they are causing polar ice caps to melt thousands of miles away).

    Note my sarcasm. What's sad is how many people actually either spoke or implied these thoughts right after the flooding in N.O.

    The reality is, the local government of New Orleans and the state of Louisiana were to blame for N.O.'s lack of preparedness. It didn't take a genious to realize that a city below sea level could eventually flood. What it did take, however, was local politicians who did their jobs. And I am pretty sure the ones who did not do their jobs were Democrats. So, nice try, Obama.

  5. I don't like Obama.

    I'm voting for McCain!

  6. all it takes is for a few ignorant people to believe & he will be your next president as those that are ignorant know others

    oi sunshine-thats a uk site, dont you be directing your rubbish over here

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