
Did you here about that guy who was killed in the US a few days ago. What do you think about it?

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Did you here about that guy who was killed in the US a few days ago. What do you think about it?




  1. Which one?

  2. there have been a few gals as well. as for the guy. it aint nov 5th yet.

  3. Quite a few guys were killed there.  Do you mean the guy the police gunned down on the night before he was due to get married?  That was a long time ago and the news reports were about the trial

  4. Yes, I did hear about it and what a tragedy!  I'm assuming it was a mistake and the officers shot at this guy before they had a reason to or else they misunderstood what he was doing.  

    I feel so bad for his parents and fiancee.  I'm glad I'm not a police officer...I would never want to have to make a snap decision like that with a gun in my hand!

  5. Are you kidding?  The US is a HUGE country and there are probably hundreds killed each day.  Who are you talking about?

  6. Oh ya, you know, that one guy who knows jim, right across the street from that other guy?

  7. Which one? as it seems to be a regular occurrence, as in this Country...

  8. tragic

    and guess what ..... there have been guys killed in the UK too...

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