
Did you immigrate to the U.S. legally, if so what do you think of people crossing our borders illegally?

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Did you immigrate to the U.S. legally, if so what do you think of people crossing our borders illegally?




  1. Born and bred here in the good USA!! Did 3 years in the Military, here in so cal, they are over running our borders, violence, drugs, you name it - not including the free handouts like welfare, medicare, schools having to teach in Spanish, free food at schools, I think they should come in and spend time in the military, and then possible Citizenship, It is way out of hand.  Enough said................................exce... a day when they did not do anything, the roads were free traveling............

  2. I was born here but my grandparents came to the country legally and went through the process to become citizens.

    And yes, they also learned English.

    I have also noticed that it is only one group of people that seems to have such a problem learning English.  I have never heard "Press 3 for German, Press 4 for Italian, etc" when dialing automated phone systems.

    If someone wants to come to this country, they should learn English like everyone else.

    And those that come here illegally should be sent back and given the information they need to become legal citizens.

    And they need to lower their flag in the US and fly the US flag.

    I am sure no other country in the world would tolerate a US citizen going to their country and refusing to fly that country's flag, but then flying the US flag.

  3. Everyone in the US should take the Citizenship Test tomorrow morning...all those that pass get to stay, all those born here that fail get sent to the country of origin of someone who passed...

    Except that the country would shut down overnight because there would be so few people left!

    Illegal immigration is wrong, no doubt about it, but if you could wave a magic wand and make them all vanish, the economy would collapse.  Agribusiness and construction in the US are built on wages held artificially low by illegal immigrant labor; without them, inflation would spiral out of control.

  4. we all must obey the law or we are punished.

    if we must obey the law, then everybody should

    if you are caught stealing, then what?

    if you run a red light, then what?

    if you broke the law, then what?

    Unless you are lawless yourself, you do know.

  5. It doesn't even ruin my breakfast

    First place, I have more important things to deal with, like working to pay the rent, buy gasoline, put food on the table, etc.

    In second place, we suffered so many humiliations, arbitrary mistreat, disinformation,  and many other things, none of them pleasant in the consulate when we strived to get our visas, that when I see somebody who can skip that, I think it is poetic justice, karma, etc

    Those guys of INS are anything but helpful, even when you are doing things the legal way

  6. My friends who came here the right way, hate them!

    Waving Mexican flags while wanting American rights!

    Let them serve 2 tours in IraQ, then we will see.

    This was done in Viet Nam.

    They want with no effort!

    They want wihtout pain of earning.

    They think we owe them something.

    3 tour combat viet who earned my right of freedom with blood!

  7. I just glance at some of the answers and hardly anyone said that they are actual legal aliens is mostly just opinionated people that "think" they know how to deal with US immigration.

    That been said,

    I am a legal US immigrant, so my opinion is based on experience not speculation.

    What do i think about people crossing the borders, well I understand why they do it. they don't bother me much if at all , after years of dealing with the time/money consuming bureaucratic process its of no surprise to me that people choose to cross illegally.

    having said that, i do not applaud the actions commited by them yet i find that the system needs to be fixed from the inside in order to end the problems immigrants and locals face everyday.

  8. Illegals should, with haste and impugnity, be returned to their country of origin.  Asylum-seekers can be considered on a case-by-case basis.

  9. They should have to take it in the rear end from the US government like I am in the middle of, coming to the US from Canada. Really, if it is this hard for someone like myself, who is a fully Americanized person with perfect English, who cannot be identified by look or accent from a regular American, who has a degree and skills in very short supply and high demand in the US, paying more in taxes each year than an illegal makes at all, I can see why so many come illegally.

    On the other hand they should have to go through the administrative h**l, costing over $14,000, I am going through to be allowed to stay. And I expect the process to take three to five years. Hopefully before my H-1B expires.

    You want to solve illegal immigration. Just enforce the workplace rules already on the books that make hiring illegals illegal. Send a few of the people who hire illegals to federal prison for 10 years and jobs for illegals will dry up. And they can't give the lame excuse that these are Americans don't want. Americans do want these jobs, just not at the wage offered.  But once the jobs for illegals dry up, they will deport themselves.

  10. I think that people that come here to the USA illegally and by the millions, now over 12 millions is bad to our country and our way of life. Everything come to a hold in order to accommodate them and because is illegal  immigration our government doesn't have the control of any decease that they bring into our country. The worse of this is that they are working in areas like meat processors, fruit and vegetables farms, restaurants, etc. The law in the USA stay that you have to have a health certificate before you work in these areas but with the illegals this law is not enforce. Now if all these is true, why is it good for our citizens and country to accept ilegal immigrant when all they doing is bad for our country.??

  11. The reason they are here are:

    1. There is always work (paid cash).

    2. The employers are not punished for hiring illegals.

    3. They get free health care (and I mean FREE)

    What do I think of the people?? I can't blame them for coming and Bush (aka corporations)  welcomes them here. The people are not encouraged to learn english instead we translate everything from english to cater to them... I don't think it's right. You come here, learn english pls.

  12. Yes I was born here and so where my parents ....

    but I don't hate the people who came to work.... legal or not it's not their fault they cant carry out the whole process some don't have money that's why they come here but they earn it not like other citizens getting their check when they can still work !!!

    the ones who don't work  well that is something else .....

    I see a lot of my friends which like to wave the Mexican flag as the other persons says but they are legal here and so are their families so I don't know how some people think they are illegal just for wanting to be proud they have ancestors and family members Mexican....

    I hate people also who judge other people for just one mistake that they couldn't do it the right way but are trying and citizens who commit dangerous crimes and are just have to pay a fine and it's OK .....

    I don't think all citizens know the history of the US ...

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