
Did you just feel that earthquake?

by  |  earlier

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it happen 40 secs ago. Did you feel it, or am I hallucinating ??




  1. Lmao... did you know that's a pickup line?

  2. i live on the east coast, i didnt feel anything :P

  3. i felt the earthquake. im trying to figure out where it was coming from? better not be a big one, and better not be from fremont.

  4. east coast is a shithole, i will take a few earthquakes  

  5. Yup; you had one.  Magnitude 4.0 (preliminary) at 9:00:15 p.m.

    Please fill out the form in the second link; the USGS is ALWAYS happy to have data!!!

  6. Yeah! Scary! First time actually experiencing an earthquake.

    Lasted bout 5 seconds. No biggie.

  7. i felt it

  8. Yea there was an earthquake.

    No I didnt feel it, but my sister and my dad did.

    I was busily watching AFV

  9. One of the many reasons I love living on the EAST COAST!!! haha

  10. wow that was a weak one

  11. Yes. I felt it.

  12. YES OMG!

    & IT WAS AN 4.1

  13. there was a earthquake a 4.2 i live in cali i felt it

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