
Did you just see what Obama said on CNN?

by Guest66567  |  earlier

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He asked everyone including his supporters to back off Gov. Palin's daughter. He said that under no uncertain terms does he want it to be a topic of public discussion. He went on to talk about how his own mother was just 18 when she had him.

I am not an Obama supporter, but what a classy thing to do. Will his supporters follow suit and leave the girl alone?




  1. Obama's statement -- he included family and children -- from earlier today has been noted on many postings here throughout the day, but the fringe lunatics in his constituency are undeterred..... they repeat the insults and then back it up with totally ridiculous justifications as to why Palin's situation warrants insult.  There are postings right here in response to you that demonstrate this intellectual deficiency.

    As for Obama -- he reminds me of Frenchie in Casablanca -- "I'm shocked...just shocked that there is gambling going on here."

  2. Doubt it, but I think we can be pretty sure that any of that kind of garbage won't be orchestrated by Obama's top aides, with a wink and a nod, and that's all we can really ask for or expect in today's toxic political atmosphere.

  3. I am just amazed that a mother wouldn't have any idea what is going on under her own roof.  It just goes to show that all is not well in Ms Palin's family and they are just as dysfunctional and hypocritical as Joe Blow Average Family.

  4. Time and time again during this campaign, Obama has shown that he has the moral integrity, educational background and leadership ability to be President of the United States of America. McCain's choice of Palin for VP candidate is one of the most ridiculous decisions in modern political history.

  5. A bush memeber - obamas parents were married when he was born.  They divorced after his father went to harvard and the distance put strains on their relationship.  

    I agree with obama there is no reason to talk about her daughter we should be talking about how Palin is unqualified and is a religious nut that wants to teach creationism in public schools.

  6. Yes, that is the why this man needs to be the next president of the UNITED STATES...He if full of class


  7. Yes that was the sort of reply expected of an upcoming Statesman.

    I am not a supporter nor an American but I was pleased to hear this noble reply, let us hope that the liberal surrogates will support the policy for his sake at least.

    I think the election is now moving past this trashy low minded stuff now and getting close to the important issues at last!

  8. well the demo goons lack morals.  

  9. No, he may be worried the coverage will backfire on him. Everything he says and does is because of politics.

    His mother got pregnant by a married man and most  likely she was under 18 when she got pregnant. (Pregnancies are typically 40 weeks).;...

  10. I am his supporter and I refuse to talk about her like many do on YA. It is not right to the girl, it is hard enough as it is

  11.                    I believe that since Sarah Palins daughter is keeping her child that it shows alot of charactor to Sarah Palin.

                     Obama was very classy telling Demo Bloggers and reporters to lay off Palins daughter.


  12. Obama's trying to earn brownie points off of this "act of kindness". It's all a game to them, a very expensive game. It's like when McCain congratulated Obama for the nomination. A show of goodwill to the public.  

  13. YES for me i will, but as for Sarah Plain.. shes still fair game.. u run for public office and u can expect this sort of thing... she still cant try and sell the idea of 'abstinence' being a great idea to teach our teens..coz well, that's hypocrisy.

    as for Obama, that shows his true nature and class!

  14. His supporters won't back off, that's asking too much. They are doing the exact same thing to Palin they did to Hillary.

  15. well unfortunately it is an issue because of her stand on abstinence only, if she can't get the people in her house to go with the program, how will she get Iran or Russia to go with the program.

    The investigation on her abuse of power is more important though

  16. Sadly ...I'm guessing no.

  17. Barry's a smart guy and he's trying to distance himself from the HATE (and realizes that people in glass houses...), but if it gives him more votes, he will hold his nose and hope for the best...  

  18. Wow I should worship the ground he walks on for allowing the BS to spread around for 24 hours before warning his campign not to spread the smear.

    Thats kind of like a lawyer getting evidence to be broadcasted in court and then the judge telling the jury to not pay the evidence any mind or allow it to sway their decision. The damage has been done. People cannot program their minds to pretend as if they did not hear or see something.

    Obama is nothing but a scumbag.

  19. You are right I saw that and the one this morning.

    I now have more respect for Obama.

    Of course the news media didn't pay a bit of attention to what he said and the people on this blog didn't hear him.

    Makes you wonder if they were in school when Barrack was talking or if the hearing aids were turned off.

    I still will vote McCain - Palin

    Oh yeah did you see where thery were accusing the 4 month old baby of Gov. Palin of being Bridgets. She's 5 mo. PG how can that happen, do you know? Maybe it was twins and one delivered 4 mos. ago and the other will be 4 mos. from now. Og course kids don't know it takes 9 mos. to have a baby. But think it's a litter of puppies.


    The point is, it IS NOT ABOUT BRISTOL BUT ABOUT HER MOTHER, SARAH PALIN, BELIEFS BLOWING UP IN HER FACE!!! I went into full detail before but you all continue to ASK THE SAME d**n QUESTION!!!

    Please get a brain!

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