I think GW is sun made is natural cycle, The fact we use So many cars and lights dosen't affect anything, i think tha...Oh look a bird!
... where was i, oh yea, Mars is metleting and it has no cars don't you see.
The fact we exmext more carbone diocide thean ever before dosen't mattered. cuase greenhouse effect was made up by Al Gore aND Liberal media
I think we should call them LIE-berals HAHAHAHAHA LOL ROLF ROLFMAO ROLFMAOXAKJS...and so on.
The hippie communists want to use eviroment to fund dere evil plans to destrory demo-cracy cuase they be hatting freedom
the world is cooling because carbone diocide COOLS the earth. Why are you idoit liebrals
Smart people who think GW be NOT real!!! My real question is how we inform the peoplees and teach then about the truth about Al Bore and hippes, how we strop them!!!!111!1