
Did you know I think Paul is a false apostle and liar?

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heresy is my middle name. I would rather care about what God thinks!




  1. Since you have not provided anything as to why you call Paul a false prophet your question doesn't make much sense except stating that you "think" he is a false prophet. Well, you can think so many things but I doubt you can change anything by thinking.

  2. No, I didn't.  Do I care?  Not particularly.

  3. No, I didn't. I tend to agree with Thomas Jefferson- Paul was the first corrupter of the doctrines of Jesus Christ.

    Edit- I once shared info and learned it's best be remain as anonymous as possible here. Nothing personal towards you.

    Thanks, though. I wish more people would understand that what Christ taught is really all a Christian needs to learn. His real disciples only reiterated what he taught for the most part, and I think that's okay. But, as for Paul, I think he did more harm than good overall.

  4. if he was a false apostle and a liar why would he be in the bible? i think more people should have a attiude like paul

  5. What about Ringo??? Not him too???

    God love you!

  6. Most of what Paul allegedly wrote was forged by the Holy Roman Church.

  7. I'm sorry you believe that.  What brought you to this terrible conclusion?  He was definitely born again.  He had a very strong experience and his life was totally transformed.  How could he possibly be false?  He went through terrible persecution and got through it and just kept going.  He certainly wasn't in it for the money, that's obvious.  His attitude was exceptional and his obedience to Christ was exceptional.

  8. Why do you call Paul false ?

  9. did I care?

  10. I could care less what you think about Paul, I'm still going to see him in heaven.

  11. so what your saying is Paul who was a well respected Sanhedrin leader from a wealthy family and highly educated left his temple family and money to be beat mocked and spend the rest of his life preaching Jesus and thrown into jail and finally death and never gained a penny in fact he worked making tents just to eat was pulling a scam?

    what did he gain?

  12. You mean he didn't meet the ghost of the ManGod named Jesus?


  13. Well folks it looks like we an all burn our Bibles now and convert to worshiping aardvarks. I for one am devastated I was planning on having lunch with him tomorrow evening, Oh wait that would make it dinner. So much for that. Is that sarcastic enough for you? If not I could continue, no really I could. Ya know I couldn't care less what you thing.

    Have a great life being a moron.

  14. Yeah, it's Not the first time I've heard of this heresy.

  15. so ...I didn't expect anything different...tell me something I don't know....

  16. I've heard that suggested about Paul before.  It wouldn't surprise me actually.

    I haven't read your last two questions, so this is just a reaction to your question above.

  17. Paul is a true apostle that spread the gospel among the gentiles.

  18. Hi Buddy, where is your proof? if it's an opinion based on fact, then share, if it's an opinion on your own point of view then it is baseless, as for me, No Paul is no Liar he was a great disciple of Christ

  19. Interesting question.

    I think that Paul, and later on Augustine of Hippo have had a major influence on how Christianity has come to be practiced.  Not all of their influences are positive in my opinion.

    I think that many who consider themselves Christians are really more Paulists-- as more attention is placed on the words of Paul than on those of Jesus Christ.  

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