
Did you know June was Domestic Violence Against Men month?

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Why isn't there more publicity for domestic violence against men? Or for false domestic violence? The FBI used false statistics per crime (they claim violent crime in my town is going down-right, just walk around at night...) Heck they don't even keep false domestic violence stats.

Why don't feminists stick up for innocent fathers?




  1. Is THAT why she keeps hitting me?

  2. No I didnt know that.  I know in Australia we have considerable publicity for dv against women but I do rarely see it for men.  All I can say in relation to stats is that I was a victim of dv for about 5 years and I didnt report it for fear of (violent) repercussions from my ex.  Please remember there is also a percentage of unreported dv in many relationships (out of fear, embarressment - many different reasons).  

  3. I think that it's not the women/feminists that are the problem, we think that domestic violence towards men is terrible and isn't publicised enough. The problem is other men, because of the pressure of 'being a man' victims are made to feel weak and inferior because of it. men need to stip judging eachother and face up to the facts.

  4. I had no idea. I also didn't know there were false statistics for domestic violence, but that doesn't surprise me.

    I don't think some men like to acknowledge that women have hit them or hurt them. I wish someone had stuck up for my father during my parents custody hearings. He was railroaded by my mother's family, who perjured themselves about things my father never did to me or my brother.

    That's the sad thing about family when it falls apart - everyone seems to get used.

  5. sadly I did not find out until July but yes I am aware of it now and next year plan on making a bigger thing out of it.

    But FBI statistics are notoriously anti caucasian male though.

    The FBI does not record hate crimes committed against caucasians.

    The FBI records hate crimes committed against hispanics but hate crimes committed by hispanics are recorded under caucasian category.

    The FBI records some rape statistics but does not record race in it.


  6. I didn't know there was a Domestic Violence Awareness Month at all, much less one for men.  I never keep up with all the special months of the year.  

    The FBI reports what local law enforcement tells them.  That's where they get their information.  In most cases at least, you can blame your local police for not reporting things right.  One exception:  the FBI ONLY includes male-on-female rapes in its rape stat.  

    I never heard that before, but what Kris says about the hate crimes is almost certainly true too.

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