
Did you know Obama is an extreme Muslim?

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Did you know Obama practices extreme forms of Muslim and Afghan religions and stuff?




  1. he goes to church

  2. Obama is a Christian, and you will be judged by Jesus for lying.  you're just repeating what you saw in n**i emails.

  3. Uh, no he doesn't.  Anyone can claim anything on the internet, check your sources.

  4. did you know youre an extreme moron!

  5. Did you know Unicorns are real, and so are dragons!

    Just cause you say it doesn't make it true.

    Obama/Biden 08

  6. no he doesn't. stop lying.

  7. Get real please.  Al Qaeda supports Mccain

  8. it worries me more that he is racist and sexiest

  9. do you have anything better to do...then saying nonsense on Y/A

    get a life loser!!!!!

  10. Of course we did.

  11. I'm not an Obama supporter but please, substantiate your facts.  

  12. shut up. you're an idiot. and it doesn't even bother that your bad-mouthing obama, because no matter who gets elected, the country is going to get assraped. idiot.

  13. Yes. It's been known by all but the Obamabots for a long time. It's why I say he is an enemy of the state.

  14. But so is what choice do we have?

  15. No he is not an extreme Muslim, just a none extreme Muslim !!

  16. Yes, I did. That is why he changed his middle name to Hussein.

    B. Hussein Osama

  17. Did you know you're an extreme idiot?

  18. Republicans are so gullible

  19. "and stuff.."  shouldn't you be in Mrs. White's third grade class today?

  20. Wow I thought your species had gone extinct

    and stuff

  21. I know that he is a Christian and if you took the time to do a little research you would know this too.  

  22. I've had strong suspicions since I first found out who this creep is.  But with the scrubbing the internet got, the liberal media that are so obviously in the tank for him and we can include YA! for being in the Obama tank, much has been cleaned up with the hope their new messiah would take over the white house and give us some change that this country isn't ready for - EVER!!!!!  

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