
Did you know Raw won't air on USA next Monday?

by  |  earlier

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Because of the US Open Tennis..RAW will instead air on the Sci-Fi channel...9pm on monday 8/25.

Q: Do you think this will affect the ratings?




  1. Nah id say the ratings will be fine!

  2. If they watch the Monday 18th Raw then people should tune into it because they know that it will be on there.

  3. Is it i heard it was gon switch to NBC when it was time for Raw

  4. thank u 4 telling me!!!!!! ur the best!!!!


  5. Yea probably. Since some people may tune in to watch it, but then it doesn't show up, so they won't watch that edition of Raw. And most people wouldn't know that it will air on sci fi.

  6. it dont bother coz i watch raw online... as for ur question i dont think so unless some wwe fanartic dont know about it...

  7. AHH Thanks so Much for Telling me I would be lookin at the teevee like Huh? and no i don't think  it'll affect cause people will keep lookin on their teeveee for the channel!  

  8. Oh p**s. I hate the Olympics.

    UGHH. Thanks for the info.

    Q: Nah, I don't think it will affect the ratings. RAW is the most popular brand. People won't miss it.

  9. Ooh, thanks for saying that! =]

    Q: Yeah it probably will, since most people are going to go to USA they will be wondering and unless they don't look it up on tvguide then the ratings will probably go down.  

  10. OK.....

    Thanks I waz going to watch it on

    This might affect the ratings cuz ppl might not know that the channel been changed this week.

  11. thanks for the information .

  12. thanks for saying that! i would have missed RAW

  13. I just checked my Tv Guide HD

    USAHD is playing Raw on Monday night 9 pm est

    Im not sure what your saying because mine shows up as Raw on USA

  14. they'll probobly say something about RAW airing on SCIFI next monday tommorow on raw

  15. Yeah it will, some people might not know its on a different channel . I always check to make sure but most people dont

  16. if hust for only one week.

    then it's not a big deal

  17. yeah well its only 4 a week they shouldve said that last week.and thanks for teling us  

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