
Did you know Sarah Palin wants Alaska to secede from the Union?

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I am quite disturbed over Governor Palin's association with the secessionist Alaska Independence Party (AIP). I can't stand for the possibility that the first time since before 1860, there is a person of national political importance who believes that the destruction of the Union is a good idea. What do you think of this?




  1. As I know, his husband only.

    [ EDIT ] :

    Look at Mr Schwarzenegger and Mrs Shriver.. to be honest, it is possible to have different aim.

    But !

    According to ABC News, We can ask ourselves about the truth :

    It's quiet disturbing.. yes..

    "America first" like John McCain said ? Alaska first ? More federalism ?

    We have to know, whatever their platform... democracy needs some clear positions.

  2. Her husband was part of a party who had some members who wanted Alaska to secede from the union.  Big difference.  Kind of like linking you to a drug dealer because you sat in class with someone who knew them.

  3. Country first, right???  How could the GOP have missed that??

    She is horrible.

  4. Where is your proof?

  5. goes to show her lack of intelligence

  6. I think you are making things up and don't know what you are talking about.  This rumor was put to rest already; she never joined the AIP and merely addressed it with a "video" presentation.  Add to that not all of this groups members advocate secession from the union.  Looks like you struck out in your attemps to slander Mrs. Palin; guess you should go back to calling out her daughter.

  7. Did you know that this myth has already been proven wrong?

    I guess people only believe what they want to believe... hence, the Democratic party...

  8. Yes.

    The AIP says that Gov. Sarah Palin used to be a member of the party. Earlier this year, Palin recorded a welcoming address to the AIP's convention.

  9. I believe her hubby is part of that party and yes, it's disturbing.  

  10. It's already been debunked.

  11. This is very disturbing.  She should withdraw herself from the race  immediately.  The Alaska Independence Party wants to secede from the Union.  They even explored the possibility of joining Canada.    Do republicans really think that this is O.K. ?!?!

  12. i wish all those neocom dumces should sucede and set up a land for halibuton hoggs to roam wold not not eat our money

  13. Why don't you listen to legitimate news sources instead of gossip on blogs.  That story has already been proven false and it has been fully retracted by the media that reported it.

    Instead of worrying about Palin's debunked membership in the AIP, let's chat about Obama's membership in an racist anti white church.

  14. Here are the sources in the news media for Sarah Palin's association with an extremist group, Alaskan Independence Party,....

  15. Yeah. And?

    Do you know that most of Texas wants to secede from the union as well?

    Big deal... it won't happen... and usually if people in a State want to secede from the Union it usually means they see problems with the federal government... :/

  16. I think it disqualifies her from being president or vice president of the US.

  17. Nah that has already been disproved. I mean cmon a Republican wanting to secede? Democrats are known for doing that not Republicans.  

  18. thats a complete lie.  Palin was never a member of the Alaska Independent Party.  CNN has already debunked this.

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