
Did you know So Far Hillary’s Proposals Cost $773 Billion?

by Guest31804  |  earlier

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How can she make those promises and at the same time say we can't afford tax cuts! Don't we need spending cuts...




  1. Don`t worry she`ll just make another windfall profit in the futures market , and this time if she gets elected , she will share the secret with everyone , and we can all pay the 40% tax rate and feed her socialist programs & plans ! Her real secret cache of "funds" are stamped "Made in China", just like Slick Willie`s were !

  2. You left out all the creative ways she has to pay for those proposals.  And she has alot of them if you're willing to listen.  And we can't afford tax cuts because the current administration has put us so far down in the hole with debt that our money isn't worth anything to the rest of the world any more.

    The last round of tax cuts didn't help anyone but the very wealthy and now we have a debt that's nearly an unimaginable number.  And there are still many, many people in our nation without healthcare or adequate housing, with poor nutrition and getting no education to help remedy that situation and old people who have to decide between medicine and heat or groceries.

  3. How can you post lies like that?   That statement is totally out of touch with reality.

  4. I see that Esmeralda is not a fan of tax cuts.  Well, I have a question for you.  If tax cuts are so bad, then why did our third quarter GDP increase by over 4%?  Look back in history and you will see that every time there is a tax cut, revenue to the government increases.  This is because people have more money to spend.  The more money they spend, the more in taxes they pay.  If you raise taxes, they spend less and less tax revenue is collected.

  5. They are blind can only pay for these things by printing more money and increasing your childrens future obligations on our national deficit........Bush has already put the nails on the coffin economically, Hillary's proposal will be the last shovel of dirt in the graves of our children futur, you can not fix things here, unless you come to the conclusion of what is causing the problem in the first place.......and this is where Ron Paul makes 100% sense too his propsal's at and see if this don't make more common sense.

  6. She plans to just print the money.  Guess I need to start buying euros nad Iraqi dinar.

  7. Yea, it's Christmas gift that keeps on giving...

    hopefully, americans don't buy it...beware, 'buyer's remorse' will set in when you start spending lavishly in order to impress.

  8. Yes.  We need spending cuts.

    In fact, at no time in all of history have we ever more desperately needed spending cuts.

  9. Jusy wait intill she gets done with everything

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