
Did you know anheuser-busch got sold to a belgian company?

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ok, so i'm slow.

how could they sell half the american beer market to another country?





  1. ditto what jamie just said

  2. I would have thought that the Busch family could have had more consideration and pride in their history and heritage in what AB was to St. Louis, to always make sure the family had a controlling interest in the company.

    I was shocked when I found out that Warren Buffet owned more than they did when the company was sold.

  3. Greed, I was so disheartened when I heard that they sold out once the Belgian's raised the bid. I really thought that the Corporation and the shareholders would consider the American public in their decision and hold steadfast to keeping it an American company.

    When the first offer fell through I was Bud and Bud products all the way, now not another anheuser-busch product will pass through my lips or into my household.

  4. yes, that is old news...

  5. Yep they sold out we lost Anheuser Busch. Hope it was like Jamie said that they lost track out of sheer stupidity & had to sell. Im not crazy about beer but this was one of the stupidest thing ive seen. I wonder how Ireland would feel if Guinness or whatever brewery was sold to a foreign interest?  How england would feel if Bentley or Jaguar or Rolls Royce were sold?  Of course there are better examples out there but thats all I can come with.

    Like you said Darla you really did get a few "snotty" ansers I wonder why people are so rude?  Why is it so important for them to try to feel superoir and try to put down other people?  I dont know what they gain. I am an American and buy American where i can. I dont by beer too often but i know what beer i wont be buying.  I didnt really buy any of thier beers anyway and now I have good reason.

  6. And Miller got sold to a South African company a couple years ago-it's called globalization. The other companies want a way to get their beers into the HUGE market that is the US. Unless you're going to buy it to keep it here-let it go-it's just beer(and it's not just for breakfast anymore! LOL!)

  7. It could be sold to Jupiter for all I care.

  8. I swear they'd sell their own mothers for a buck! I didn't like Bud to begin with, but now we should really make them pay by boycotting all of their brands. This is whats wrong with our country today. It make Socialism look good for cryin out loud. Bud also owned half of Modelo (Corona).

    So "F" em! Drink anything else but their p**s water beer. Scumbags.

  9. yes they sold to belgium company  INBEV for 49 billion dollars

    well reason for sale is becuase anheuser wasnt paying attention and sold alot of stock to them not realizing it and had to take deal due to hostile takeover

  10. Yep.  Doesn't really matter or effect much of anyone though.  

  11. They didn't sell it to another country, they sold it to a company that happens to be located in another country, who thought they could do a better job with A-B's assets, and put their money where their mouth is.  It's called capitalism, and if you don't like it you can eat bark three meals a day in North Korea.

    In all odds, the InBev purchase is probably good for American beer drinkers.  Not only does InBev have the market muscle to promote traditional A-B beers in new places, so you could get your favorite domestic brews anywhere in the world, but also the availability of popular foreign beers will increase due to the ownership of A-B's large distribution network.

    It could even result in a net increase in jobs in the USA, since labor here is so much cheaper than in Belgium, some of their international brands may end up getting made here in A-B facilities instead of Belgium.

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