
Did you know car tyres decay and have a 'shelf life' of 6years, after which time they become dangerous ?

by  |  earlier

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This was news to me today!

The tread can literally strip off !!!





  1. Did you not know that oxygen in the air degrades the rubber to a point where it becomes unsuitable for use? I did!

  2. You are absoloutetley right.

    It's my job to know this

    The amount of cars with old tyres on would scare you.

    I see this every day.

  3. Yes, I did. All rubber products deteriorate with time. Apart from anything else, that's one of the (several) reasons why cambelts should be changed, why hoses fail etc.

  4. Yes I did know that. Thanks for the 2 points though.

  5. No, I didn't know at all..

  6. The way I drive they will be 'kaput' way before then...vroom, vroom.

  7. i knew it

  8. Yes I did - see here;

    for info on checking the dates on your tyres.

  9. Yes I did as well but it is good to remind people of this.

  10. getaway lol

  11. spose it would be right a rubber does decay anyway but most people have to get new tyres more often than 6 yearly so dont know this i didnt till now but if by any chance the tyres on my car last 6 yrs i will remember in the future thanks  

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