Is it legal for HILLARY to run for President without releasing her taxes?
Will we ever know how much income Bill Clinton is getting from foreign governments who are hostile toward American freedom?
Or if there are any quid pro quo deals, like when a drug dealer "retained" Hillary's brother as a lawyer for hundreds of thousands of dollars to get a "Get Out of Jail" card from Hillary's husband??
Given that she changes her policy positions on a dime, how can we be sure what her "core beliefs" are without knowing where her and her family get their money from!!!???!!!
Have we already forgotten about how many people were convicted for diguising the sources of their donations back during the last time a Clinton ran for the Presidency!!! John Huang, Charlie Trie, Maria Hsia, James Riady=ALL CONVICTED of disguising the source of donations totalling at least $2 million!!!
Do people realize how corrupt the Clintons are? Why is she even still considered a viable candidate?