28 x 85%= 23.80 (amount that is ethanol)
1,700 x 23.8 = 40,460 gallons of water.
40,460 x 8 = 323,680 pounds of water
40,460 / 7450 = 5.43 Number of Semi loads of water
It takes 1,700 gallons of water to make 1 gallon of ethanol
It takes 323,680 pounds of water to fill a 28 gallon flex fuel vehicle using 85% ethanol.
It takes 43.45 semi loads of water to fill 1 take of e85 in a flex fuel vehicle. 40,460 / 7450(gallons you get in a semi load)
It takes 5.43 semi loads of water to fill a 28 gallon flex fuel vehicle using e-85 ethanol.