
Did you know ocd(obessive compulsive disorder and ocd personality disorder are the same thing)?

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Yes but does this sound strange (no) but the whole time I was in college I have wordpad but towards the end of my class I finally got the disc (for my new operating system) and reinstalled word 2003!Cheer to online classes(if you don't mess your computer up and taking online classes and those Very ugly nasty memorising(and memorizing essays!!).




  1. Grand daughter has obsessive compulsive disorder.  Seems her personality fits right in there.  

    Haven't done any studying on this mind you, but now you have me going.

    Personalities shows us who we are and what we do.  Along with OCD she also has other character flaws.  I do think it goes along with personality disorder.

    Both disorders are hard ones to understand and you have to keep your mind wide open in order to remember they are disorders.

  2. Actually the ARE NOT the same thing, not even close.

    OCD (ICD-9:300.3) is a psychiatric anxiety disorder. OCPD (ICD-9:301.4) is a personality disorder.

    VERY DIFFERENT. Get hold of a DSM-IV if you want to know the specific criteria for each and understand what they really are.

  3. So I'm unclear.  Did you just want to share, or are you actually asking something?  And if so, what exactly?

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