
Did you know.............?

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That some states now require parents that teach homeschool MUST be a certified teacher ?




  1. Incorrect. The ruling in CA implies that but 1-it is almost certainly going to be overturned and 2-I am not aware that *any* other state requires that. I believe that the most stringent require that if anyone *other than* the parents are teaching, then certification is required.

  2. Get your facts streight. NO states have made this a strict requirement. California is ATTEMPTING to do so, but hasn't succeeded yet, and no other state has done this.

  3. Yea.  We have been answering questions about that most of the week.

    There are a few states where it is more difficult to homeschool than others.  I think most of them are catching on that homeschool works.   The reason I think that they are learning this is because many states are trying to mimic homeschooling by providing online courses and classes out of the traditional 8-3:00 time period.  It's not a bad idea but statistics are showing that they do not have the results that parents and children have been enjoying with homeschooling for years.

    A very key ingredient in homeschool success is the relationship between the teacher (parent) and student (child).

    A parent knows the child and can create or improvise a curriculum to suit the child's needs, talents, interests and goals.

  4. Do you know that some states do not require public school teachers to be certified in the subject they are teaching?

    My daughter is taking a college class from a "professor" that doesn't even know her own material.  Go figure.

    This same daughter also took a math class in college where the teacher couldn't do his own sample equations.  She often corrected him when he got stuck with a problem on the chalk board.  It got to be embarrassing to actually know more than the teacher so she kept quiet.  My daughter was home-schooled for her entire k-12 years.

    What people seem to forget is that people can choose to pay other people to do a job or they can do it for themselves.

    I don't have to pay someone to teach my children.  I did it myself for 25 years and my students turned out just fine.  They are smart, outgoing, well educated and are fine upstanding members in the community.

    How did they ever learn a thing since mom didn't have formal certification -- (a piece of paper written by other people)?  Oh, I take that back -- I had their BIRTH certificates.

    My children became very proficient in math, writing and reading by simply doing it for themselves every day.  They also think every moment that they are awake -- and their minds do not stop when they are sleeping.  They are very good at processing information.

    It doesn't take a formal teacher to make a student learn.  It takes a student to learn the material as an individual -- the best students in the world are those that can figure things out for themselves.

  5. You are incorrect.  There was a ruling in California regarding this manner and it will be depublished or overturned.

    Please stop fanning panic flames.

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