
Did you know tax on beer goes up automatically 2 or 3 % above inflation each year?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike when that b*stard does the budget he doesnt need to mention that.Instead we could go down the pub and see a pint going up by 7 or 8 % a year. Thats 24p a year more in TAX!!!!! So by 2012 a pint could be £4-5!!!! and more if the Brewery put there prices up.




  1. hello

    the taxes on beers and kegs of beers are increasing sometimes twice a year

    we sell kegs..

    the pub industry is also suffering, more people are staying home with friends and drinking....

    smokign ban has not helped...

    u can now make your own biofuel and use it tax free - is it the same for wines and beers....?

  2. No it doesn't you silly person.  

  3. Yep only thing that comes down here is the bleeding rain.#

  4. thats right r kid and why im brewing my own now. fancy a pint~]

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