
Did you know that Bush has the highest approval rate of any US pResident in history...?

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Among John McCains...





  1. cuz hes such a r****d that he relates to everyone

  2. well if you are talking about mccain's supporters what else do you expect.

    after all they are cut from the same cloth.

  3. After he dies in office his approval will go up

  4. Right after September 11, 2001, Bush had an approval rating of 92 percent. After that, however, Bush has dropped below Nixon during the Watergate and holds the RECORD LOW OF 19 PERCENT.

    Worst president ever. It is inconceivable how his administration wasted the sympathy the entire world had for the US after the terrorist attacks and turned the US into the most despised country world-wide.


  5. I just don't believe that. Polls can be false.

    Edit: Okay...if the poll was among McCain's followers that's highly possible.

  6. Wow; hate is a strong word used relatively lightly in this country.  If I said I hate Obama, I would be considered a racist.  So it appears that Hate has 2 meanings and in itself implies prejudice if your not amongst the polled majority.

    1. As long as you hate Bush hate is ok.

    2. If you hate Liberals, Obama, Hollywood, Democrats, Socialists,

    Communist that's considered  politically incorrect and you're labeled a racist and hate is not ok.......


    Try not hating and going along with your friends, open your mind there is alot of grey area to be navigated. Bush is not at fault because no-one else is accountable.  He's just the non-creative target deemed the punching bag by a disgruntled loser of 2 presidential elections.  Which the media portrays as having the majority opinion in America.

    I will say this about the election.  I'll vote hands down, irregardless of party for the first Democrat or Republican who can be held accountable via consequence (impeachment) for their actions and says he or she will resign after 4 years if they can not prove they accomplished (or start to show proof) what they said they would do.  

    This will never happen because the seat of president is held hostage by the party who owns it as control.  This time the democrats see it as total control with only the Judicial arm to consume.

    Vote McCain and keep some balance of compromise as resolution.

  7. Your source must be a liar. Everyone I know hates Bush, including me.

  8. i hate them both go barrackobama

  9. that is sad ...

  10. Bush is the most dumbass president I've ever seen.

    He's ruined our country, we don't need another Republican to F up our Sht.

  11. Yes, but I read all your question- it seems that I was the only one to do so.

  12. I didn't know, but could have guessed.

    Your question was not read by most of the first responders, so I guess that illustrates a point about this forum, and possibly the "general public", that most are knee jerking automatons, with the attention span of gnats.

    Some even congratulating themselves for actually reading the full question, as if that was a feat in itself.

    That explains a lot, about lots.

  13. Where is the so-called "Check and Balance" ?

  14. Wow, i didn't know that. But i do know the reason why. Because he is a war-time president and the United States sees people as "un-patriotic" if they criticize a war-time president. He has been a war-time president for most of his time in the white house. That is why he has such a high approval rate.


  15. How did Bush go from 25% to 95% approval rating? Have I missed something here? I don't believe it.

  16. It doesn't surprise me, he's a good president, I would like to see him another term if that's possible.

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