
Did you know that China has "mobile execution units" (execution vans)?

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And that they drive through and terrorize cities and neighborhoods and allegedly capture citizens in these vehicles where they prepare them for live removal of their internal organs? And that they already take most prisoners' (many innocent and imprisoned simply because of their religious or political beliefs) organs by force so that they can cash in on the lucrative market for organ transplants? Why are we agreeing to participate in the olympics in a country like this--are they considered an example for us to follow?

"Yet as mobile executions chambers begin to silently roll into more and more towns, making capital punishment easier and faster to deliver, fears have risen amongst human rights activists and death penalty opponents that China is relying more on lethal injection because it is harvesting organs of executed prisoners in an effort to supply the country's growing market for organ transplants."




  1. yes

  2. That is a brilliant and efficient use of prisoners that are to be executed anyway, but it's a horror to think they would do it on like a political opponent or just someone they didn't like's looks.

  3. They have the right Idea. If I had my say, we would treat all our criminals in a similar fashion.

  4. Good.  Criminals need to be punished.

  5. Doesn't surprise me.  They have always been quite ingenius and very efficient!

  6. Shh! you're not supposed to point that out. The Liberal Americans like China, they can't have those things burst their bubble. Big government, high taxes, government oversight, nanny-statism, government health care at its pinnacle!  

  7. Ummmm...... this is NEWS to you?

    Wait, don't tell me - you're American, probably under 30, and went to public schools, right?

    I do believe we're starting to regret the day that history classes became too watered down for our children to understand the world we're living in.

    EDIT:  What does being educated in public schools have to do with this?  PLENTY.  You said you only learned of this a year ago.  Honey, China has been imprisoning and/or killing her citizens for DECADES.  This isn't new, and it isn't news.  What's more, this is something kids used to learn before they were out of elementary school.

    Then political correctness stepped in, and suddenly it was no longer "acceptable" for teachers to let their students find out about China's death squads and "reeducation camps."  What was really going on was watered down and glossed over, because someone somewhere didn't want to "offend" the Chinese by being honest or some sweet innocent American kid who might find the idea of death squads "disturbing."

    My daughter took several history classes for her political science degree.  She also majored in broadcasting, and sometimes assignments for the 2 majors overlapped.  She commented more than once that doing in-depth research on a particular topic or event for her broadcasting classes showed her just how incomplete and skewed her "history" classes were.

    So for all of you thumbs-downers who still don't get it - public schools in America are no longer teaching students what they need to know to understand our country or our world.  They're so busy getting students to memorize the material that will be on the end-of-grade test that they aren't teaching the course material that matters.  

    You just learned something a year ago that has been known for decades and should have been taught when you were in school.  Doesn't it worry you to think about what else you might not know?

  8. Sadly the US has mobile execution units as well. They go by names like Bloods, Crips and MS13. But I agree, we should all stop dealing with China any way we can.

  9. Don't say things like this.  Obama loves the Chinese government.

  10. Yes, they're driven by abortion doctors..

  11. Shades of the old n**i gas vans.  The difference is that there's now 6.4 billion people on this poor old planet - 6,400,000,000.  People are now just another natural resource to exploit.  It isn't right, but it is the reality.  When the n***s were murdering people in their gas vans there were 1.5 billion people on the planet - 1,500,000,000.  

    All the evils of the republicans, gas prices, debt to the Chinese, deforestation, lack of drinkable water, drought and global warming can be laid at the feet of this population spike over the past 60 - 70 years.  

    The world isn't going to survive all that much longer as a human habitation.

  12. Yes and acording to obama they are better than ours.

  13. That is a very frightening thought though I would like to know your sources.

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