
Did you know that Hillary Clinton will release her delegates to Obama on the eve of the convention?

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DENVER, Colorado (CNN) -- Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton will release her delegates to Sen. Barack Obama, a Clinton spokesman said Sunday, the eve of the Democratic National Convention.




  1. sounds vaguely sexual...will release her delegates to him.....

  2. do you really think obama is good? i think he sucks and hope mccain beats him!! if you disagree you should go vote for obama on this site..

  3. Yes I knew.

  4. from one gulag to another

      oh joy

  5. We'll see ;)

  6. Obsama and Bin Biden have shown the American females that Sexism is alive and well in America

  7. my vote is going to mccain

    nobama 2008

  8. Something else is going to be released that evening...too

    It's called Gas....and I'm not talking Gas O Line

    Come Aug 28....

    Be Afraid....

    Be very Afraid...

    HillRaiser Supporters are Bringing Down the House...

  9. That's what the news said. But I still think that Hillary is only going to give half-hearted support for Obama. As a Democrat she really cannot openly defy her party's wishes but deep inside, she is a highly pissed lady who got sold out by her turncoat friends. If McCain wins, it'll be for only one term. Hillary could be a shoo in in 2012.

  10. Hillary is laughing all the way to the bank.   When she runs in 4 years after obama loses, the dems will give ( Promise ) her  everything.

  11. She doesn't have a choice. Its party rules.

  12. Yes. She wants to unite the party. She is supporting Obama because she knows our country needs to move forward and not backward. We don't need four more years of McBush.  

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