
Did you know that Jeffrey S. Porter's e-mail about Obama in Afghanistan was a fraud?

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An e-mail attacking Barack Obama and widely spread by Republican bloggers and activists has been revealed to be a fraud. These false e-mails are all too common--the Republican Party seems to be relying on these false stories and rumors to defeat Barack Obama. What is uncommon is that this time the perpetrator was caught and exposed: Army Captain Jeffrey S. Porter of the Utah National Guard was behind the false e-mail.

Porter intended this false story to be mass e-mailed anonymously, but Porter's wife made the mistake of forwarding the e-mail under his real name to friends and family, who soon forwarded it on to complete strangers. In only a few days, the e-mail was tracked back to Porter. When confronted by his superior officers, Porter admitted that the allegations he made in the e-mail were false. The Army Times has also refuted the story and Snopes has refuted it online.





  1. Leave McCain to it.  Hilary lost because of negative campaigning and McCain will too.

    Who wants a president that rules by lies and deceit?

    Oh hang on a minute how did George Bush get in then?!!!!

  2. Look at, the mail is real, that he is a real person, however Armytimes news paper claims  'Some" thing contained in that email was factually incorrect.

  3. I doubt this was an orchestrated effort by the Republicans; however, it was a falsehood spread far and wide by a military officer. I give him some credit for owning it, but I also expect him to be prepared to face the (possibly stiff) consequences. And the sad part is that it will continue to be distributed by and to people who don't care enough to check their sources.

  4. YOU ARE THE LIAR - like your Messiah.  

    And you quoting a PARTISAN Blog - makes it sooooo obvious that you are biased.  

    TRUTH HURTS - Your Messiah is shooting hoops instead of visiting troops and hospitals.  Pretending he is Reagan or JFK -

    He has been on the Senate Committee and hasn't shown up in Afghanistan or Iraq until he could get a full squadron of photographers and Left wing MSM .

    i am so sad that there is so much naivity or ignorarance or stupidity - where people take the would Change and pretend they know what he plans to do- by PROJECTING their desires to punish people who are more successfull thean they are.  


    And Snopes does NOT support your lie!  

    Although Barabara from Snopes appears to have leftist leanings - she does not say that this is a lie - just that she questions who the audience of the email was.   YOU leftists like to keep facts (aka - when it comes to B-Hussein-Osama) hidden - beause YOU KNOW YOU LOOK BAD

  5. Isn't that special that a poster who knows the family thinks "Capt." Porter is a good person!

    What kind of good person uses his position as a military officer to spread blatant lies in an attempt to hurt a presidential candidate he doesn't agree with? These aren't little white lies, they are egregious falsehoods. Shame on you, and double shame on "Capt." Porter.

  6. I know Captain Porter and his family and I just wanted to say that they are good people.  They are good people who made a mistake that has blown WAY out of proportion.  Captain Porter is serving the country that he loves and is willing to leave his family in order to do this.  Yes, he made a mistake and I know that he is regretting ever writing such an email.  I also know that he will accept any consequence that comes from his mistake.  He is a good man who made a mistake.

    As far as this email being a ploy for the Republican Party to defeat Barack Obama... that is just ridiculous.  I received this forwarded email and it didn't sway me either way and I'm sure it didn't affect many others the way you think either.

    (For the record, I haven't made up my mind on who to vote for yet.)  One little email from an American soldier will not change people's views of the candidate they are backing.

    I think you need to quit trying to destroy a soldier's good name and move onto something else.

  7. yes, i also know that barrack obama is a fraud, like all the politicians running

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