
Did you know that Margaret Thatcher has dementia?

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Yahoo News reports that according to former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's daughter, her mother is suffering from dementia. In the spirit of international brotherhood, would anyone like to send their condolences to the Brits and Mrs.Thatcher?




  1. It's sad that such a strong will and powerful mind are ravaged by age.

    She turned this country around.

    No doubt there will be plenty of people saying that she 'ruined the UK,but if it's written by anyone like me who was there at the time then they would know that before she gained power this country was broke.

    Dead unburied, begging to the world bank for money to meet basic state bills, electric strikes, gas strikes, ambulance strikes, TV station strikes, three day week, Britain the laughing stock of the world - she turned it all around.

  2. I am sorry to hear that.  She was a fantastic representative for the British people.  She exemplified all the traits that Americans find appealing in our friends across the sea.  I would like to send out my best wishes to her and her family.

    Sorry the liberals on here don't know how to be civil.  In their defense though all they really have is their hate and contempt.

  3. I just read that story too. Mrs. Thatcher is living proof that a woman can be a powerful leader and mix it up in the male dominated area of leading countries. Hopefully she still has many more years of life!

  4. Yes.

    John Sidney McBush has dementia too!

  5. Who gives a c**p and what does it have to do with America!

  6. No.  I thought she and Reagan demonstrated dementia when they were IN OFFICE, and subsequently, they did a lot of harm.

  7. So does Biden but that didn't stop Obama from picking him as VP!

  8. Thanks, but no condolences are required. Dementia is something that I would not wish on my worse enemy, but it does seem ironic that this illness has hit the same person who turned out scores of mentally ill folk out onto the street to take care of themselves under the guise of ‘care in the community’ Unlike those poor individuals, she will however get A1 care rather than being abandoned to walk the streets all day long

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