
Did you know that Obama Left his Race off of his Harvard Application?

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He knew that Hateful People would say exactly what hateful Y/A People say day after day, so he left it off the application.




  1. All I have to hear is HARVARD CONSTITUTIONAL LAW and I am impressed.

    b.a. in journalism from Rinky Dink Sate University is not too impressive.

  2. They don't care because they like to think that he made it to where he is because of affirmative action.....these people stand for nothing and against anything good.  

  3. and what is his race? he's mom is white and dad is black... what do you suggest he put?  

  4. yea and he left his birth certificate off his presedentlial nomination too.mccainpalin08!

  5. No, he actually got accepted because of Affirmatives Action (and that's the only reason he graduated too).

    Left his race out of the application means affirmitive action doesn't effect him....Stupid...Also if you want to look at Mccain's grades be my guest lol! He was in the bottom half of a percent (.05 percentile) and went to a worse school than Obama

  6. No, he actually got accepted because of Affirmatives Action (and that's the only reason he graduated too).

  7. So? I left my race off of my college application too. So what?

    edit: Ooooh...I see. You believe that he deserves a cookie for not playing the race card when he didn't need to. I see. Well, you go Obama, have a cookie!

    McCain/Palin '08

  8. Who cares, he broke his butt and made something of himself.

    And I'm a McCain man ................................

    Good Luck

  9. what difference does that make? good for him.  

  10. who cares?

  11. What application?

  12. I'm not surprised.

  13. well that throws out the affirmative action argument

  14. No. But so what if he did. I don't think that matters.

  15. And his name wasn't a clue?

  16. It sounds like "Good Judgment" to me!

    Obama / Biden 2008!

    Ebony & Ivory Presidency!

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