
Did you know that Palin (McCain's Veep choice) in against abortion in cases of incest or rape?

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1 in 4 girls are molested each year in the U.S., often by family members (2002)-The Abel and Harlow Child Molestation Prevention study. 49% of girls know their molester as a direct family member or a family associate.That's only the reported stats as this is a crime that is obviously under-reported.

I won't even go into the stats that concern, STDs, suicide and other emotional problems that these girls face.

Palin is not JUST a conservative, she's dangerous.


Nurse, 26 years.




  1. there is a reason why rape and sexual abuse is illegal and these statistics are merely indicative that the punishment for rapists is not severe enough (death would be a nice deterrent).  because someone commits a crime by raping someone and getting them pregnant does not mean you should murder an unborn child thus bring the victim count just that much higher.

  2. Typical right-wing nut job. I guess she feels that since she's had a Downs kid, everyone else should be forced to suffer.

    I thought McPOW was anti-woman, this Palin makes him look like a born again feminist.

    Bender: You completely ignored the incest situation, which leads to serious deformities in children.

  3. Ugh. She's a freak. How can you be against abortion in the case of incest? Those babies run a high risk of not being 'right'. Plus, who wants their fathers child or brothers child? Gross.

    I think McCain made a grave mistake. He just handed the election to Obama....on a silver platter.  

  4. Perhaps we should then not be focusing on the issue of abortion and more on ending rape?

  5. Yes. Good for her.

  6. she doesn't make laws, so her beliefs are hers. we should not judge her based on our expectations / values. Oh by the way, check out the partial-birth abortion mess in Kansas. Tiller, and his political ally Gov Selibus (oh, she was considered for VP for Obama). The cronies of his have kept courts from getting to turn over patient records. Now, you bring up 1-4 girls are molested and they should have abortion access. Well Tiller has performed abortions on 13 yr olds, and refuses to turn over the girls name to prosecutors, as this defies patient/doctor confidentiality and the girls right to an abortion, Yeh, but it also protects the man who raped this child. .........Yes, rape has been around forever. however, here in the US, we have laws to protect women of rape. however, I think this is a case were a woman's right to an abortion (and confidentiality) has trumped the right of a victim of rape to face her attacker in court. As a nurse, do you feel the girl's right to privacy should be upheld? or that she should be able to send the dirtbag who molested her to jail? It is rumored that one girl was molested by Dad, with the parents taking her to the abortion doctor to 'hide' the problem. If she gave birth in a hospital to a health 8lb baby, there would be an investigation. Get the girl an abortion, no one questions who the daddy is. And I personally don't think the abortion rights issue would become so open in the next 4 yrs, so I don't feel Palin is dangerous to woman's rights. Just the opposite! I think she can be a champion for woman.

  7. Yes.  She is wrong.  She has no right to presume to make this decision for others.

  8. I have heard this, and I do not approve.  But this is low on the list of reasons to vote for or against anyone.

  9. Why are you so eager to kill babies. What if your mother would have wanted to abort you?

  10. Yes. She is aganst any right to choose.

  11. What does this have to with Palin? Shes not dangerous cause shes pro life. Why dont people go after the parents or help these girls if they are dangerous environment. Make programs available for troubled girls.  Go after the source then we wong have to deal with the consequences. Seriously how is Palin dangerous?

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