
Did you know that Russia has been bombing apartment buildings in the sovereign nation of Georgia?

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Apartment buildings are not military targets and it is a violation of International Law to bomb civilian residences, such as apartment buildings in time of war.

The Russians have deliberately targeted apartment buildings because it is possible to kill and injure large numbers of civilians with a very small military expenditure.

Russia has been targeting civilians in Georgia to spread terror in that nation.




  1. They deny doing it deliberately.

    You may recall the USA blew up quite a few civilians

    in Iraq as well.

    When war is waged, women and children always seem to

    just get in the way...

  2. The American and Nato army have also done some "collateral damage" in Iraq and Afghanistan. (OMG... some... I would have written lots of) They also said they weren't deliberate. Probably the Russians are using the same argument. Everybody uses it, don't you think?

    If people want to secede and are dead set on it, let them. No one should prevent it or war is bound to happen in the future.

  3. Yep. I knew. That said, Georgia started the conflict. Doesn't make Russia ok to bomb apartments, but if you stick your nose in someone's door, you might get it slammed. Lesson learned: don't mess with the Russians.  

  4. well..there you go...if you want expert advice on what's going on in military organizations and why..,just ask someone with no military experience. Here I thought it was complicated!

  5. It's a lie, civilian appartement buildings are on fire on TV just because they are injured with explosions of Georgian bombs stocked in the warehouses close to inhabitated areas, naturally Russian army attack these warehouses to prevent the usage of this ressource in the war agains South Ossetia,

    If russian troops where targeting houses of the civilians' those house would dissappear but not be burning on the TV...

    Georgia in this conflict is only side who is targeting civilians and playing really mean againgst people she considers it's own but in reality she wants to delete from the Earth...

  6. Did you know that Georgia attacked Russia FIRST...violating their agreement?

  7. what happened?

  8. Mmm, and did you know that Georgia started that war and killed about 1500 of civilians in Ossetia during first 24 hours?

    Americans bombed Serbia and killed many thousands. I don't even mention Iraq. So, just shut up. Or you are too up to double standards?

  9. What do you think GWB and the war machine has been doing in Iraq?

  10. I see that the radical leftist kool aid drinkers have been busy answering your question with their foolish propaganda.

    I have realtives who live in the region.

    the Russians have a nasty habit of killing all of those who do not agree with them.

    Stalin murdered over 13 million Ukraine citizens because they did not go along with Stalin. That is over double the number of Jewish people that Hitler murdered during the holocaust.

    Yes, it appears that the Russian Generals, taking orders from Putin are targeting civilians to spread terror in the nation of Georgia.

  11. .................... and the US military bombs schools, hospitals and wedding parties. What is your point?

    If you go after the Americans, I will take care of the Russians. How does that work for you?

    War is H E L L and there are no innocent bystanders.

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